Vuejs family barrel series (2) - - Ajax request

brief introduction vue and ajax AJAX, namely "Asynchronous Javascript And XML" (Asynchronous Javascript And XML), refers to a web page development technology for creating interactive web applications. Basic usage of ajax Vue itself does not support sending AJAX requests. It needs to be implemented with jquery, vue-resource s ...

Added by JeffK on Sun, 19 May 2019 12:04:05 +0300

Vuex and the use of several component Communications

Let's start with a simple German example target.png A simple application with buttons and a counter.Pressing the button increments the counter.While this is easy to achieve, the goal is to understand the basic concepts. Suppose you have two components in your application: 1. A button (the source of ...

Added by The Saint on Fri, 17 May 2019 23:52:21 +0300