Template meta programming example -- how to design a general geometry Library

Template meta programming example - how to design a general geometry Library design principle Suppose you need to use a c + + program to calculate the distance between two points You might do this: First define a struct: struct mypoint { double x, y; }; Then define a function containing the calculation algorithm: double distance(myp ...

Added by Skaara on Sun, 27 Feb 2022 06:25:57 +0200

boost source code learning gemotry3: quick start

3. Quick start This quick start shows boost Some features of geometry are in the form of relatively simple code snippets with comments. The following code assumes that boost / geometry HPP, and use the header file boost::geometry. Boost.Geometry is an end file, so it only contains header files. There is no need to link to any library. #includ ...

Added by expl0it on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 11:38:36 +0200

Weight control in ES multi field matching query

1, Scenario description When we use ES for query, we often encounter such a scenario: we need to match multiple fields at the same time according to the query keywords entered by the user, and we want to make different settings for the weight of the matching fields, such as matching the company name and company profile at the same time. Here, ...

Added by lokesh_kumar_s on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 02:43:43 +0200