Implementing a simple ButterKnife with annotations

Implementing a simple ButterKnife with annotations ✍ write by NamCooper I. Basic knowledge of annotations brief introduction In development, we often see @Override, @Deprecated, @SuppressWarnings, which are common annotations. These annotations are equivalent to tags, with which compilers, development tools, or other programs can opera ...

Added by rohithreddyk on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 21:07:13 +0300

Android Studio code obfuscation - third-party jar obfuscation summary (continuous update)

Preface Android has many excellent third-party open source jar packages. We often use a lot of jar packages in our projects, but we often forget to confuse third-party jar packages when it comes to release, which will bring us a lot of trouble in development. All of these will summarize some popular third-party jar packages confusion ways her ...

Added by conor.higgins on Tue, 04 Jun 2019 07:20:43 +0300

Summary of IOC Framework Using Android Butterknife

Preface: ButterKnife is a View injection framework focusing on Android systems. It used to write a lot of findViewById to find View objects. With ButterKnife, these steps can be easily eliminated. Jake Wharton's masterpiece is widely used. Most importantly, using ButterKnife has little loss of performance, because the annotations ButterKni ...

Added by ThunderVike on Wed, 29 May 2019 20:53:08 +0300

Android uses code to implement a fill-in question

cover GitHub Portal 1. Write before Recently, the project is busy. I haven't updated my blog for more than a month. Use my spare time to summarize the problems encountered in the project and share them with you! When I first saw the need to fill in the blanks, the first response was to go to Baidu, ah... No, Google search for similar Demo, bu ...

Added by Blissey on Mon, 20 May 2019 19:12:14 +0300

Mosby MVP mode learning and tutorials, using documentation

Introduction Introduction to MVP The starting point of MVP is to decouple views from business logic by separating concerns.The three parts of Model-View-Presenter can be simply understood as: Model is the data that will be displayed in the view. View is an interface for displaying data (models) and sending user ...

Added by moreshion on Sun, 19 May 2019 19:47:09 +0300

Using Android Annotation Processor to Liberate Labor Force

brief introduction Annotation Processor is widely used in third-party libraries in android development. Butterknife, Dagger 2, DBFlow and so on are common. annotation There are many Api s for annotations in Java, such as @Override for overriding parent class methods, @Deprecated for abandoned class or method a ...

Added by Dark_Storm on Sat, 18 May 2019 20:03:52 +0300