PHP7.4 a new way to expand FFI

With PHP 7.4, there is an extension that I think is very useful: PHP FFI (Foreign Function interface), which refers to a description in PHP FFI RFC   For PHP, FFI opens a way to write PHP extensions and bindings to C libraries in pure PHP. Yes, FFI provides high-level languages to call each other directly. For PHP, FFI allows us to call various ...

Added by pgudge on Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:57:51 +0300

Play with iOS "macro definition"

The definition of macro is very important in class C language, because macro is a function of precompiling, so it can control program flow at a higher level than runtime. When you first learn the definition of macro, you may have the feeling that it's a complete replacement. It's too simple. But if you really think so, you will be naive, not to ...

Added by Consolas on Wed, 22 Apr 2020 12:57:31 +0300

freecplus framework - directory operation

1, Source code description Freecplus is a C/C + + open source framework under Linux system. Please go to the C language technology network ( to download the source code. This article introduces the directory operation functions and classes of freecplus framework. The declaration file for functions and classes is freecplus / 6 ...

Added by GrexP on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:45:17 +0300

freecplus framework - load parameter file

1, Source code description Freecplus is a C/C + + open source framework under Linux system. Please go to the C language technology network ( to download the source code. This paper introduces the method of loading parameter file in freecplus framework. The declaration file for functions and classes is freecplus / 65124; freec ...

Added by natbrazil on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:41:01 +0300

redis source learning 01: String sds

Preface This article is the learning notes of redis source code on string processing, welcome to correct. The version of redis is 5.0.5. I won't elaborate on the functions, uses and performance of redis. text In the main topic, redis provides its own string storage and related operations. The source files are in sds.h and sds.c. In the process ...

Added by aesthetics1 on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 13:48:17 +0300

Detailed description of C++ classes

Examples of Super Girls have been playing for a long time. To learn from them and leave them temporarily, I will use examples of actual project development to explain more about classes. File operations have been learned in the C language basics. In practice, in order to improve efficiency, I will encapsulate file operations into a class with ...

Added by bensonang on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 20:10:10 +0300

[network programming 01] basic knowledge of socket - simple network communication program

1. What is socket Socket is simply a combination of IP address and port, which can communicate with the application of remote host. A host can be determined by IP address, and an application can be determined by port. IP + port can completely determine an application of a host. Socket originated from UNIX, similar to a special file, can be open ...

Added by munuindra on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 11:46:48 +0300

Some points needing attention in learning C language

C language learning 1. Pointer array and 2D array pointer int *p[3];//Array of pointers. int (*p)[3];//A pointer is defined, pointing to the data type int[3], pointing to the pointer of a two-dimensional array. int buf[3][5]; 2D array name, buf Represents the first address of the array int (*a)[5]; Defi ...

Added by scialom on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 18:56:46 +0300

Simple addition, deletion, modification and search of Lucene 5 search

I. Preface Do a simple Lucene CRUD test, record 2, Code + effect 1. Index batch generation Generate several indexes in batch for later testing Code 1. package com.cun.test; import java.nio.file.Paths; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import; import ...

Added by louie on Tue, 07 Apr 2020 21:02:16 +0300

Eight queens problem recursively realizes C language super detailed thought foundation

Eight queens problem: suppose you put eight queens on a chess board so that the two cannot attack each other. How many pendulum methods are there? Basic knowledge: In chess, the board is 8X8. The queen can walk in any grid along the straight line or oblique line. Train of thought: 1. if you want to put 8 queens in it, there must be only one que ...

Added by prabhuksmani on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 06:26:39 +0300