[chromium] chromium IPC: mojo and mojom instances; form: Intro to Mojo & Services
come from: Intro to Mojo & Services
Implementation: send the message from render to the RenderFrameHostImpl instance of the browser process, which is associated with render frame.
Define the interface.
Create a mojom
The return value of Ping() corresponds to the callback method in C + +: the return value corresponds to ...
Added by LeZeNkO on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 12:59:34 +0200
Android 12 "fatal" crash solution
Author: Lin Zuojian
UC kernel found a fatal crash on Android 12. About 10% of users will encounter this problem during cold start, which seriously affects the release of UC kernel. Its call stack is as follows:
10-12 19:03:21.461 1038 2723 I id.AlipayGphon: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.uc.webkit.impl ...
Added by pbdude23 on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 05:50:36 +0200