80 minutes, 100 points, 83 lines of code. How do the excellent contestants solve the problem?

The 3rd 83 line code challenge in 2021 hosted by Alibaba cloud has ended. More than 20000 people watched, nearly 4000 people participated, and 85 teams came in groups. The competition adopts game breakthrough playing method, integrating meta universe science fiction and script killing elements, so that a group of developers have a lot of fun.Th ...

Added by mwkemo on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:42:51 +0200

Tensorflow Federated(TFF) framework finishing

The methods mentioned above do not provide any back propagation / optimization process at all. They are handled by tff.templates.iterative process. We can get new states and metrics every time we pass in the current state and training set. In order to better customize our own optimization methods, we need to write our own tff.template.Iterative ...

Added by jdesilva on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 21:37:50 +0200