In depth understanding of the use of ApplicationContextAware

When review ing the code of predecessors, I saw a tool class. SpringContextUtil didn't quite understand its usage @Component public class SpringContextUtil implements ApplicationContextAware { private static ApplicationContext applicationContext; @Override public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) th ...

Added by SauloA on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 10:28:18 +0200

Go Context explanation of the ultimate no doubt

1. What is Context Go 1.7 standard library introduces Context, which is called Context in Chinese. It is an interface used to transfer deadline, cancellation signal and request related values across API s and processes. context.Context It is defined as follows: type Context interface { Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) Done() &l ...

Added by blueguitar on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 21:53:22 +0200

glang context end - source code analysis

summary The context package is golang1 6 start to provide the context package, golang1 7 move into the standard library. Context is only used in grpc, but it is not really used in its own program, and it does not understand its purpose. You must end with the context. Main role It mainly solves the problem that multiple goroutines and multipl ...

Added by clairence on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 06:22:54 +0200

[Go language] detailed explanation of context package that beginners can understand: from introduction to mastery

Original link: Detailed explanation of context package that Xiaobai can understand: from introduction to masteryprefaceHello, everyone, I'm asong. Today, I want to share the context package with you. After a year of precipitation, I will start again and analyze it from the perspective of source code based on Go1.17.1. However, the difference th ...

Added by dannymm on Sat, 06 Nov 2021 11:43:52 +0200