Dynamic link library, GOT, PLT

Dynamic link library What is dynamic link library The following is my own understanding, which may not be correct, but it should be roughly the same Long ago, without the concept of library, every time I wrote code, I was building wheels from scratch Later, people found that some functions are common to most programs and have nothing to do w ...

Added by timclaason on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 02:26:18 +0200

Source code analysis of Hongmeng light kernel: Newlib C

Abstract: This paper introduces the implementation of LiteOS-M kernel Newlib C, especially the file system and memory allocation release part, and finally introduces the Newlib hook function. This article is shared from Huawei cloud community< Hongmeng light kernel M core source code analysis series 20 Newlib C >, author: zhushy. When ...

Added by thedotproduct on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 15:54:09 +0200

[gcc Compilation Optimizations Series] When GCC compiles links, what is the--specs=kernel.specs link property?

1 Source of problem There's been a little less interest in rt-thread s recently, and today I suddenly see such a forum problem: Why would you be interested in this? There are two main reasons: Recently, we are researching some knowledge about gcc compilation links and making some notes to facilitate our own deeper understanding and me ...

Added by Credo on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 07:57:21 +0200