protobuf learning notes

brief introduction Protobuf fer is the abbreviation of Protocol Buffers. It is a data description language developed by Google. It is a portable and efficient structured data storage format, which can be used for structured data serialization or serialization. It is very suitable for data storage or RPC data exchange format. It can be used for ...

Added by aleX_hill on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 07:46:14 +0300

Introduction to Golang - structure

What is a structure? A structure is a user-defined type that represents a collection of several fields. Sometimes data should be integrated rather than disconnected. In this case, you can use a structure. For example, an employee has three attributes: firstName, lastName and age, and it is reasonable to combine these attributes in one structur ...

Added by pyrodude on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 06:58:22 +0300

Go Basics - operators, process control

Go Basics - Contents (1) Go start (2) Variable (3) Operators, process control 1, Operator priorityclassificationoperatorAssociativity1Comma Operator ,From left to right2Assignment Operators = += -= *= /= %= >= <<= &= ^= |=Right to left3Logical or||From left to right4Logic and&&From left to right5Bitwise OR|From l ...

Added by frontlines on Mon, 25 Oct 2021 07:02:18 +0300

[algorithm learning] 1486. Array XOR operation (Java / C / C + + / Python / go / trust)

Thank you very much for reading this article~ Welcome[ 👍 [like][ ⭐ Collection][ 📝 [comments]~ It's not hard to give up, but it must be cool to insist~ I hope all of us can make a little progress every day~ This paper consists of The white hat of the second leader Blog originality~ 1486. Array XOR opera ...

Added by juliston on Wed, 13 Oct 2021 06:42:17 +0300

Go a library of gabs a day

brief introduction JSON is a very popular data exchange format. Each programming language has many libraries for operating JSON, including standard libraries and third-party libraries. The standard library in Go language has built-in JSON operation library encoding/json. We have also introduced it before, which is specifically used for query & ...

Added by NICKKKKK on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 10:37:42 +0300

GRPC: how to add API log interceptor / Middleware?

introduce This article describes how to add API log interceptors / middleware to gRPC microservices. What is log interceptor / Middleware? The log interceptor logs every API request. We will use rk-boot To start the gRPC service. Please visit the following address for a complete tutorial: ...

Added by Mikersson on Sun, 10 Oct 2021 21:06:29 +0300

Fundamentals of python grammar • python procedural programming and functional programming • python skills • a wonderful use of python decorator

Well, I know it's midnight... But I still think it's worth spending half an hour to share this latest idea and get straight to the point Let's simulate a scenario. You need to grab a page, and then there are many URLs on this page, and after entering these sub URLs, there is data to grab. Simply put, let's look at the three layers, and our cod ...

Added by Aaron_Escobar on Fri, 08 Oct 2021 12:23:57 +0300

[sduoj] create command line application

2021SC@SDUSC introduction As an oj system, it can not judge the submission results of only one language, and it may even support all common language types. However, different languages require different compile and run commands. If the task of judging the language type is entrusted to the problem solver, we may need to modify the source co ...

Added by mattmate on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 18:12:39 +0300

Go language pointer

&Bracket asterisk principle: due to the conflict of the editor, (*) only represents an asterisk &Null principle for pointers that do not point to addresses: if a pointer is declared but does not point to an address, the address of this pointer will be nil (null) &Pointer first allocates address space principle: after declaring ...

Added by joespenceley on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 14:35:02 +0300

GroupCache source code analysis: singleflight

GroupCache source code analysis (2): singleflight (1) Overview: There is a problem in the group cache distributed cache: if at a certain moment, the tail node is eliminated, and then a large number of data requesting the original tail node suddenly pour in, which may cause cache breakdown. Cache avalanche: all caches fail at the same time, r ...

Added by timvw on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 15:26:25 +0300