go language Lotus project development practice (Lotus design, command line, node API, source code, urfave/cli, jaeger, mux routing...)

Use of Lotus design documents and nodes 1. Official documents Reference: Lotus design documents Filecoin logic sorting and source code Guide Understand the message operation process in Lotus network 2. Noun interpretation 2.1 what does CID mean? Self-describing content-addressed identifiers for distributed systems Self describing conte ...

Added by kid_drew on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 14:36:51 +0200

Microservices have everything from code to k8s deployment series (IV. user center)

We will use a series to explain the complete practice of microservices from requirements to online, from code to k8s deployment, from logging to monitoring. The whole project uses the micro services developed by go zero, which basically includes go zero and some middleware developed by relevant go zero authors. The technology stack used is bas ...

Added by 1042 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 07:56:47 +0200

Gin framework builds Golang interface project template -- ORM implementation

stay Gin framework building Golang interface project template -- controller layer In this chapter, we briefly introduce how to use gin to create a simple api interface, but in the actual development, it is not a complete project if there is only interface definition and no database interaction. In this project, gorm is used as a framework of pe ...

Added by Mordecai on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:25:41 +0200

Golang keyword -- type definition

reference resources Go keyword -- type In addition to the definition of type, the original text also introduces several other applications of type. This article only talks about type definition. type can be used in the following ways: 1. Define structure 2. Define the interface 3. Type definition 4. Type alias 5. Type query 1, Type defin ...

Added by tequilacat on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 02:54:49 +0200

Classmate, is your single case enough for the interview?

After answering the interviewer's GMP related questions with great difficulty, let's go to the single case related questions. Although the single case is simple, the interviewer is also in-depth layer by layer, making chao chao sweating. Let's take a look at what the single case interviewer asked. Recognize single case Interviewer: you know th ...

Added by thedon on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 16:19:36 +0200

Java Web technology stack Golang quick tutorial

Background and overview The author is a new recruit in the school. The company uses Golang. He has Web development experience in Java and PHP and is familiar with the front-end Vue technology stack. He has not written Golang project before. He just read Golang's syntax according to the rookie tutorial a few months ago to understand its natura ...

Added by bryanptcs on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 12:06:49 +0200

Processing mechanism of chansend/chanrecv when Go channel - block is false

Preface This article aggregates the specific processing of send and recv when selecting 2 cases (1 send/recv case, 1 default case). For more content sharing, please follow the Public Number: Go Development Notes chansend select { case c <- v: ... foo default: ... bar } The bottom corresponding func is selectnbsend. selectnbsend // ...

Added by justinma on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 08:18:10 +0200

Take you ten days to easily finish the finale of Go micro service (Distributed Transaction)

preface We will show you a go zero micro service example in detail through a series of articles. The whole series is divided into ten articles, and the directory structure is as follows: Environment constructionService splittingUser servicesProduct serviceOrder servicePayment servicesRPC service Auth authenticationService monitoringLink track ...

Added by VanPEP on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 06:43:58 +0200

Create BPF mapping method

💡 How to create a BPF map Programmers often send messages to programs to cause program behavior to be called. The most magical function of bpf is the code running in the kernel, and the program loading these codes can realize real-time communication through message passing. BPF mapping is that key values are stored in the kernel and can be ...

Added by onlyican on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 23:41:32 +0200

Go quick start

Tip: this series of articles is suitable for readers who have other phonetic foundations and have a continuous impulse to Go 1, package introduction The code of Go language is organized through package. The concept of package is similar to the concepts of libraries or modules in other languages you know. A package will contain one or more go ...

Added by Robban on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 19:40:41 +0200