[source code analysis] I don't know the details of automatic configuration, let alone you can spring boot.

Compared with spring, one of the most important characteristics of spring boot is automatic configuration, which makes the Convention larger than the configuration idea successfully implemented. XXX spring boot starter a series of bootstrappers can be used out of the box, or only need a few configurations (for beginners) because the default aut ...

Added by zemerick on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 04:55:14 +0300

Spring 5 source deep parsing - transaction enhancer (100% understanding of transactions)

In the last article, we explained how the Advisor of a transaction registers with the Spring container, and how Spring configures transactions on classes that configure transactions. In fact, we used the AOP set. We also explained the Advisor, pointcut validation process. So far, the initialization of transactions has been completed. In the sub ...

Added by dvwhi on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 06:49:19 +0300

Spring 5 Source Deep Resolution - - @Transactional Annotation Declarative Introduction (100% Understanding Transactions)

Several chapters have analyzed spring's @AspectJ-based source code, so let's look at another important function of Aop, Things Management. Introduction to the transaction 1. Characteristics of Database Things AtomicityMultiple database operations are inseparable, and only when all operations are successful, can things be submitted; as long ...

Added by Noumes on Sat, 12 Oct 2019 06:43:59 +0300

Individual Learning Notes--01

Record a little of your last summer vacation study JDBC How to connect? JDBC JDBC, accessing database through java. A java API that executes sql statements. With JDBC, you can easily connect to the database. How to connect? JDBC connecting database can be divided into three steps: creating conn ...

Added by dakkonz on Wed, 09 Oct 2019 10:43:50 +0300

Talk about Sharing-jdbc's SQLExecution Hook

order This paper mainly studies Sharing-jdbc's SQLExecution Hook. SQLExecutionHook incubator-shardingsphere-4.0.0-RC1/sharding-core/sharding-core-execute/src/main/java/org/apache/shardingsphere/core/execute/hook/SQLExecutionHook.java public interface SQLExecutionHook { /** * Handle when SQL execution started. * * @param ...

Added by kr4mer on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 20:43:34 +0300

Delete foreign key constraint fails

title: Delete foreign key constraint fails date: 2018-08-02 21:59:06 tags: database --- When I was learning hibernate at that time, I just learned one to many, many to many related operations. It happens that there is an item just in time, and the structure of the tables should be sorted out. As the saying goes, we need to use it when we learn ...

Added by aQ on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 08:46:18 +0300

Solve the problem that no table was found in org. spring framework. jdbc. BadSqlGrammarException

I. Problems Emerging 1. As far as I understand it, it probably means that there is no meaning that the table name can not be found. 2. Everything is OK when connecting to a local database or a local area network database (the same database) 3. Error reporting, intercepting the main part Closing non tr ...

Added by foolguitardude on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 08:44:23 +0300

springboot implements Logback using log facade SLF4j and log

1. This paper mainly introduces how to use logback + slf4j to log in spring boot project. logback consists of three main components: Loggers, Appenders and Layouts. slf4j: Like jdbc, it defines a set of interfaces, which is a log facade, and enables fast switching between multiple log systems (by modifying configuration files) logback: and l ...

Added by DarkArchon on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 05:55:51 +0300

Learning Notes spring and mybatis Integrate Dynamic Agent Knowledge Point Arrangement

1.mybatis multi-table query one-to-one One-to-one (one containing another instance) <!-- One-to-one Association query-resultMap --> <resultMap type="order" id="order_user_map"> <!-- id Tags are used to bind primary keys --> <id property="id" column="id"/> <!-- Use re ...

Added by project168 on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 19:47:02 +0300

Introduction to Spring Boot Vue Element: Practical Spring Boot+Mybatis+Redis+Swagger

This blog is originally created by the author. It is forbidden to reprint without permission. Please respect the originality! If you have any questions, please contact QQ509961766. (1) Modification of POM files Open the pom file First add spring boot dependencies to the top text <parent> & ...

Added by kevo1162 on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 09:44:56 +0300