Summary of Java Basic Learning: Concurrent Sets of JUC

Concurrent Sets 1. Concurrent Problem of Ordinary Sets I learned about List (ArrayList|LinkedList), Set (HashSet|TreeSet), and Map (HashMap|TreeMap) collections, which are only suitable for single-threaded use. If multiple threads operate on ...

Added by sinbad on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 16:24:25 +0300

JDK Command Line Tool for JVM Tuning Foreplay - jstack

The command line of JDK is certainly one of the most familiar commands for general developers, such as java,javac,javap. However, there are many other command line tools under jdk/bin that are used to monitor the status of the JVM when it is running. Here's a detailed explanation of several commonly used tools and how to use them. jstack jstack ...

Added by no_maam on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 08:08:01 +0300

Summary of Basic Java Learning: Channel of NIO

Channel (Pipeline) 1. Introduction Basically, all IOs start with a Channel in NIO. Channel is kind of like a stream. Data can be read from Channel to Buffer or written from Buffer to Channel. Here is an illustration: Some major Channel imp ...

Added by tnkannan on Wed, 14 Aug 2019 15:29:59 +0300

High concurrent programming in real-world java Chapter 3

3. JDK Concurrent Container Concurrent collection Concurrent HashMap: This is an efficient concurrent HashMap. You can understand it as a thread-safe HashMap. CopyOnWriteArrayList: This is a List, which is a family of ArrayLists by name. In the case of reading more and writing less, this List performs very well, far better than Vector. C ...

Added by JonathanAnon on Wed, 14 Aug 2019 08:08:16 +0300

Static Agent and Dynamic Agent

Proxy pattern: It is a design pattern that provides additional access to the target object, that is, access to the target object through the proxy object, so as to provide additional functional operations and expand the function of the target object without modifying the original target object. In short ...

Added by KiwiDave on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 08:55:41 +0300

Performance comparison between jdk and json serialization of Redis

There are two serialization strategies adopted by redis by default, one is String's serialization strategy and the other is JDK's serialization strategy. There are several serialization tool classes: GenericToStringSerializer: Any objec ...

Added by Lateuk on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 07:16:46 +0300

Java non-blocking IO and asynchronous IO

Links to the original text: The last article introduced the basic operations of Buffer, Channel and Selector in Java NIO, mainly some interface operations, which are relatively simple. This article w ...

Added by Nile on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 17:16:59 +0300

Java 8 Method Reference

Content Introduction: Method Reference Demo Details Reference through five grammatical usage methods Method Reference Usage Summary 1. Method Reference Demo in Java 8 1.1 Background for Methodological References When we use Lambda expressions, the code we actually pass in is a solution: what parameters to do with. So consider a case: if we ...

Added by lesolemph on Thu, 08 Aug 2019 12:12:29 +0300

Array description and Application

This article provides a brief description of arrays and basic usage of concepts and arrays. I. Basic concepts of arrays 1.1. The Status of Arrays Arrays are one of the most important data structures in any programming language. At the same time, different languages have different implementations and pro ...

Added by freakyG on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 12:30:13 +0300

Wechat Public Number & Small Program - Obtain and Decrypt User Data (Obtain openId, unionId)

This article is from   Preface Wechat applet API document: In the actual development of small programs, users are often required to authorize login and obtain user data to quickly dock with user systems. openId: User's unique identi ...

Added by priya_cks on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 08:44:17 +0300