The static model is one click dynamic, which teaches you how to integrate motion capture ability

How is the interesting static model dynamic?Huawei 3D modeling service (3D Modeling Kit) has the ability of motion capture. Using human body detection technology, model acceleration and compression technology and monocular attitude estimation algorithm based on deep learning, it can capture the three-dimensional information of 24 bone key point ...

Added by NoFear on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 09:45:34 +0200

Full compilation of ijkplayer for Mac to generate Android Library

ijkplayer compilation GitHub address: Recently, I did a new training and talked about the compilation process. I found that many people can't pull the code and compile it. I use a new computer to sort out the pits that will be encountered in a new environment. Here, I simply record the complete content an ...

Added by adige72 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 11:56:04 +0200

Stop asking for WiFi password. HMS Core unified code scanning service enables mobile phones to connect to the Internet with one click

Modern life is inseparable from the Internet. In restaurants, shopping malls and other public places, mobile phone WiFi connection has always been a high-frequency use scenario. Although there are more and more free WiFi in public places, the process of network connection is very troublesome. Some need to open the web page to register or click ...

Added by evilcoder on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:27:15 +0200

Simplify API design with coroutine and Flow

If you are a library author, you may want users to call your Java or callback based API more easily when using Kotlin coroutine and Flow. In addition, if you are an API user, you may be willing to adapt the third-party API interface to the protocol to make them more friendly to Kotlin. This article will show you how to simplify the API using ...

Added by zxsalmanxz on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 01:44:01 +0200

About using WorkManager

About using WorkManager Kotlin is the main language introduce WorkManager is a background execution task management, which can continue to execute the created task even after the application exits. You can also add trigger conditions for WorkManager. Of course, there are special cases. When the application is completely killed, the task ...

Added by Dane on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 02:21:41 +0200

From rookie to expert, HMS Core image segmentation service teaches you how to make fine matting in complex background

Since 2021, the self driving track has entered an explosive period, and the industry has become a battleground for large manufacturers and start-ups. Among them, many companies have adopted computer vision as the technical base of automatic driving. Through image segmentation technology, cars can effectively understand the road scene and distin ...

Added by stylefrog on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 09:34:46 +0200

Android scheme open App

URI,URL URI=Uniform Resource Identifier: uniform resource identifier, which can uniquely identify a resource under a certain rule. For example, your ID number. URL=Uniform Resource Locator: uniform resource locator, which can provide the path to find the resource. It is a subset of URIs and a URI implemented by location. On www, every informa ...

Added by darksniperx on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 08:29:23 +0200

kotlin basic grammar

1, Basic data type Several are introduced. value typeCharacter typeBoolean 1.1 value type The basic numeric types of Kotlin include Byte, Short, Int, Float, Long and Double data typeBit lengthByte8Short16Int32Float32Long64Double64 It is described in the following situations: Use of value type;Conversion of numeric type to binary, octal an ...

Added by future448 on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 12:47:06 +0200

Kotlin - improved factory model

Welcome to WeChat official account: FSA full stack operation 👋 1, Foreword Design pattern is a guide to solve specific problems in software engineering. We often say that there are 23 design patterns in Java. As a better Java, Kotlin with multi paradigm has many new language features. What improvements can be made when using the design pat ...

Added by B of W on Sun, 27 Feb 2022 17:41:15 +0200

DataBinding in Android Jetpack binds the layout view to the architecture component

Binding layout views to schema components The AndroidX library contains architecture components, which can be used to design reliable, testable and maintainable applications. The data binding library can work seamlessly with architecture components to further simplify the development of the interface. The layout in the application can be ...

Added by TimC on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 12:25:41 +0200