Org mode, using text files to manage daily

This article is translated from, originally written by Bernt Hansen. Because the original text is long, it will be published in multiple articles. Please mark the source for reprint. This chapter mainly introduces org Publish export function, org-mode Although it is in text mode, it provides powerful publis ...

Added by realnsleo on Mon, 14 Feb 2022 03:02:16 +0200

Write lisp interpreter in java (5 problems with custom if)

As we have defined the if function above, there is still a problem. That is, when the parameter is atom or a simple function that does not involve recursion, everything is normal. If the recursion function is involved, there will be a problem. Here is a classic example(define fact (lambda ( n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))) ...

Added by StripedTiger on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 04:42:40 +0200

Write lisp interpreter in java (2 unlimited possibilities of extension)

In the last article, we already have a simple lisp interpreter (JLispInter), which supports:Variable: aBinding: (define a 5)Four operations: + - */Function (lambda (x) (exp))Call (g exp)At that time, we also left some questions:For example, the parser does not support strings, the four operations define in high-order functions cannot be used as ...

Added by skeppens on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 18:10:14 +0200

Org mode, using text files to manage daily

1. Customized agenda view I customized an all inclusive agenda view. I also kept another simple agenda view, which usually works on my slower Eee PC - because it's too slow. I usually spend a lot of time simplifying the agenda view and want the agenda view to include everything. Most of the customized agenda views I used to have are no l ...

Added by lewel on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 02:16:46 +0200

736 Lisp syntax parsing (bracket nesting recursion)

1. Problem Description: Given an expression similar to Lisp statement, calculate its calculation result. The expression syntax is as follows: Expressions can be integers, let syntax, add syntax, mult syntax, or assigned variables. The result of an expression is always an integer. (integers can be positive integers, negative integers, 0) Let sy ...

Added by aman_batra on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 07:46:42 +0200