Java tips: use RxJava to create observable data RxLiveData

1. Problem scenario In practical work, we often need to share data between different objects and different modules, and these data are usually changeable, so a problem may occur: when the data changes, the relevant objects or modules do not know and do not update the data in time. At this time, we hope to notify other modules to update synchro ...

Added by God Ownz on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 10:59:04 +0200

Android jetpack ---- use of livedata

LiveData introduction LivaData is a observable data container class. Specifically, LiveData can be understood as a data container, which packages the data and makes the data become an observer. When the data changes, the observer can be notified. Unlike regular observable classes, LiveData can perceive the life cycle of activities, fragments, ...

Added by jakep on Sun, 26 Sep 2021 20:27:30 +0300