Mybatis--Universal Map--mappers--Cache-LOG4J--MyBatis Paging Plug-in--Developed with Annotations---#{} Difference from ${}--Lombok--Many-to-Many Processing Dynamic SQL

MyBatis Environmental Science: JDK1.8Mysql 5.7maven 3.6.1IDEA Review: JDBCMysqlJava FoundationMavenJunit SSM framework: Configuration file. Best way: see the official website documentation; mybatis - MyBatis 3 | Getting Started 1. Introduction 1.1, What is Mybatis MyBatis is an excellent persistence framework. It supports customizing S ...

Added by JRS on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 10:25:04 +0200

Environment preparation of 30 classes for handwritten Spring core principles

This article is excerpted from Spring 5 core principles 1. Idea integrated Lombok plug-in 1.1 installing plug-ins IntelliJ IDEA is an excellent integrated development tool with powerful functions and many plug-ins. Lombok is an open source code generation library and a very practical gadget. When editing entity classes, we can use Lombok a ...

Added by nexgen_x on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 05:47:54 +0200

As long as you log a lot, locate a BUG shuttle

The complete code covered in this article: GITEE Or visit: It is hard to avoid bugs when you write too much code. As a programmer who has been walking all year, it is not a rare thing to talk ...

Added by deejay1111 on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 06:50:17 +0300

[Zookeeper Learning Notes]|12, Zookeeper Realization - Master Election

1. Introduction 1. Overview a:Master elections are a very common scenario in distributed systems.In distributed systems, master-slave mode is often used to avoid single point failures and improve the availability of system services. b: Normally, Master nodes are used to coordinate other system units ...

Added by fredcool on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 04:16:55 +0300

Java project creation -- unified result processing and exception handling

1, IDEA plug-in use 1. Description Spring boot 2.2.6, JDK 1.8 and mysql 8.0.18 are used as demonstration here. Use IDEA as a development tool.   2. IDEA plug-in -- Lombok (1) IntroductionLombok can automatically generate constructor, getter/setter, equals, hashcode, toString and other methods for properties during compilation through annotation ...

Added by juneym on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 14:45:44 +0300

Design pattern prototype pattern

Archetypal model Basic introduction Prototype mode refers to: using prototype instances to specify the type of objects to be created, and copying these prototypes to create new objects. Prototype pattern is a kind of creative design pattern, which allows one object to create another customizable ob ...

Added by kutchbhi on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 06:21:49 +0200

Jump between controller s in spring boot tutorial

As shown below, create two controllers to test the jump effect. All of the following jump modes take these two controllers as examples. ♛ 1 sendRedirect mode response.sendRedirect("redirect: mapping path? Parameter name =" + parameter value); ♛ 2 forward mode package com.demo.controller.Jump; import lombok.extern.slf4j. ...

Added by aniket_dj on Sat, 14 Mar 2020 14:44:22 +0200

Starting from 0, the first Spring Boot project (javaweb personal blog system) Spring Boot + thymeleaf article list display

review In the previous article, we implemented the layout and publishing function of the article publishing page. There are some problems in it. In this article, we solved the problems and started to display the article list. 1 effect preview 1.1 writing articles After logging in successfully, w ...

Added by gauravupadhyaya on Thu, 20 Feb 2020 12:17:14 +0200

3. SpringBoot+MybatisPlus integration code generator

1 <dependency> 2 <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> 3 <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> 4 <version>1.18.0</version> 5 <scope>provided</scope> 6 </dependency> 7 <!-- Add code generator dependencies --> 8 <dependency> 9 <groupId>org. ...

Added by vboyz on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 17:24:27 +0200

Spring - AOP - Basic Use

Series Length 1. Spring - IOC - Register Components 2. spring - IOC - Dependent Injection 3. Spring - IOC - Component Scan Rules 4. Spring - IOC - Component Scope, Lazy Loading, Conditional Judgment 5. Spring - IOC - Lifecycle of Components 6. Spring - AOP - Basic Use Preface This article will sor ...

Added by litebearer on Sun, 26 Jan 2020 04:57:06 +0200