Problem solving abc225_h Social Distance 2

Description abc225h Solution First, consider not distinguishing the remaining \ (m-k \) individuals, only their positions, and finally multiply the answer by \ ((m-k)! \) Consider calculating three values, There are \ (len \) consecutive chairs. There are people before the first chair and after the last chair. There are \ (k \) people to sit. ...

Added by taslim on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 12:13:37 +0200

Lightoj - 1274 beating the dataset

Title Link: Beating the Dataset - LightOJ 1274 - Virtual Judge ( Simplified version of the question meaning: someone is asking a question, and the answer to the question is only yes and no. There are n questions in total. At the beginning, you know the number of questions in which the answer is yes. After each question you ask, the ...

Added by rolajaz on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 17:12:05 +0300