Netty Source Analysis--- ChannelPipeline

netty establishes the corresponding channel in the process of service-side port binding and new connection establishment. Closely related to the channel's action is the concept of pipeline, which appears to be a pipeline in which raw materials (byte stream) enter, are processed, and finally output. pipeline initialization In the previous arti ...

Added by alexguz79 on Mon, 09 Sep 2019 06:50:30 +0300

netty Case, Intermediate Extension of netty 4.1 Six "SpringBoot+Netty+Elasticsearch Collect Log Information Data Storage"

Preamble Introduction In a real development scenario, we want to store a large amount of business and user behavior data for analysis and processing, but because of the large amount of data and the need for analytic capabilities, it is more reasona ...

Added by nodehopper on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 04:27:08 +0300

Examples of tcp sticking and unpacking and solutions using LengthFieldFrameDecoder

What are sticking and unpacking?The TCP protocol is a byte stream protocol with no record boundary. When we receive a message, the packet that cannot be received artificially is an entire package message. When a client sends multiple message data to a server, the TCP protocol may combine multiple message data into a single packet for sending, w ...

Added by ericburnard on Sat, 10 Aug 2019 07:35:01 +0300

Reasons for Failure of MQTT Big Message

Background The MQTT protocol was used to build a chat server in the group. The connection became unavailable the day before yesterday when the big news (more than 5,000 Chinese characters) was tested. No reply was received for all the messages sent subsequently. Server environment: Netty : 4.1.32.Final Use the MqttDecoder that comes with Netty ...

Added by le007 on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 11:59:49 +0300

The Server of Network Communication in RocketMq

1. Broker Server Entry Firstly, RocketMq network communication adopts Netty communication. The server is mainly in Broker. Let's first look at Broker Startup class Obviously, the concrete logic is in the start method, and the following is to achieve: public void start() throws Exception { if (this.messageStore != null) { ...

Added by faswad on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 21:17:16 +0300

netty--Coding and Decoding Technology

Encoding and decoding technology is simply java serialization technology. There are two purposes of serialization, one is network transmission, the other is object persistence. We can say that we use java serialization and use netty for transmission, but java serialization has too many disadvantages. For example: java serialization can not cros ...

Added by VMinder on Thu, 06 Jun 2019 23:06:26 +0300

netty source code analysis-thread pool

As we all know, netty is a nio framework with excellent performance. As the underlying data transmission framework of many excellent projects such as dubbo, it is absolutely beneficial and harmless for our future development to study it thoroughly. So from today on, we will study netty. This analysis is based on netty 4. Please download the jar ...

Added by zeroecko on Sun, 26 May 2019 01:56:48 +0300

Source Details Seata-Client principles and processes for distributed transactions

Preface Distributed transaction is a problem that must be solved in distributed systems. At present, the final consistency scheme is used mostly.Since Ali opened Fescar at the beginning of this year (renamed Seata in early April), the project has received tremendous attention and is now approaching 8000 Star s. Seata Distributed transaction cha ...

Added by unkwntech on Sat, 18 May 2019 13:06:43 +0300

Simple Use of Netty Framework to Realize socket Communication

As an aside, many people call the NIO provided by JDK 1.4 asynchronous non-blocking I/O; in fact, it is not. Strictly speaking, it can only be called non-blocking I/O. In NIO 2.0 provided by JDK 1.7, an asynchronous socket channel Channel is added, which is the real asynchronous non-blocking I/O. The following table com ...

Added by HyperD on Wed, 15 May 2019 16:44:34 +0300

netty Learning Summary

netty Learning Summary (I) What is netty? netty is an asynchronous, event-driven network programming framework. Technical Foundation of netty netty is an encapsulation of Java NIO and Java thread pool technology What problems did netty solve Using Java IO for network programming, usually one user and one thread, can not deal with a large number ...

Added by MidOhioIT on Tue, 14 May 2019 19:19:56 +0300