Android Studio code obfuscation - third-party jar obfuscation summary (continuous update)

Preface Android has many excellent third-party open source jar packages. We often use a lot of jar packages in our projects, but we often forget to confuse third-party jar packages when it comes to release, which will bring us a lot of trouble in development. All of these will summarize some popular third-party jar packages confusion ways her ...

Added by conor.higgins on Tue, 04 Jun 2019 07:20:43 +0300

okhttp source code analysis (1) - basic process (super-detailed)

Preface Recently, it is a pit in the source code. What always wants to hold down the ctrl to see the source code. During this period of time, we studied the source code of okhttp, and found that the source code of okhttp is not easy to gnaw down in a few days, so let's go step by step. This blog mainly analyses the execution process of the s ...

Added by Bryan Ando on Tue, 21 May 2019 02:35:13 +0300

Basic Concept Interpretation of OkHttp

Recently, in sorting out Android commonly used third-party framework related things, said that Android framework, nothing more than Android development in the common network, image caching, data interaction, optimization, page framework, among which the network as a basic part, I believe that you are more using OkHttp, and in t ...

Added by PHPcadet on Thu, 16 May 2019 18:27:16 +0300

Upload image files and parameters using OkHttp (both front and back codes)

I've written a code about using Retrofit to upload picture files, but what if OkHttp is used? I believe that some of the students who know about the two know that in fact the implementation of Retrofit's internal network request is OkHttp. After wrapping one layer, it is just for the convenience of developers to write interfaces an ...

Added by poe on Thu, 16 May 2019 07:58:36 +0300