Blog recommendation | Apache Pulsar realizes fast log retrieval based on Log4j2+Kafka+ELK

This article is reproduced from the official account StreamCloudNative, author Xue Song, who works in the new world software as a senior software engineer.  Editor: chicken chop, StreamNative.About Apache PulsarApache Pulsar is a top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation. It is a native distributed message flow platform for the n ...

Added by waq2062 on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 12:45:34 +0200

Apache Pulsar: Pulsar message mechanism

Message mechanismPulsar adopts the pub sub design pattern. In this design pattern, the producer publishes messages to topic, and the Consumer subscribes to topic, processes the published messages, and sends a confirmation after processing.Once a subscription is created, Pulsar can still save all messages even if the consumer is disconnected. Th ...

Added by DjSiXpAcK14 on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 11:00:10 +0200