04Python Syntax - Basic Data Type - String

String Assignment Single quotation mark assignment a = 'this is a string' print(a) # this is a string``` Double Quote Assignment a = "this is a string" print(a) # this is a string Assignment of a three-quote string to a variable (multiple lines) Retains the newline format of the string # Triple Form a = '''this is a string''' prin ...

Added by gabrielserban on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 19:53:44 +0200

03Python Syntax - Basic Data Type

Preface Variables are designed to enable computers to remember a certain state of things like people. The value of variables is used to store the state of things. It is obvious that the state of things can be divided into different kinds (such as people's age, height, position, salary, and so on), so variable values should also have differ ...

Added by winkhere on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 19:29:47 +0200