Work sharing - (demand: save the pictures locally for three months)

Work sharing - (demand: save the pictures locally for three months) Demand profile Recently, I have encountered such a demand in my work: save the image data of a business locally for three months. In our work, such a similar demand is common, so I share my practice this time as a reference for you. Specific needs There is a table i ...

Added by my8by10 on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 18:23:01 +0200

Several ways of scheduled task scheduling

Task scheduling refers to the automatic execution of tasks based on a given time point, a given time interval or a given number of executions 1. Preface Let's take a simple example: create a thread and let it run all the time in the while loop. The sleep method is used to achieve the effect of timed tasks. This can be implemented quickly and ...

Added by moberemk on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 13:18:25 +0200