Implement Redux architecture from zero to one with native JS

Preface Recently, I used my spare time to read Daika's "React Books", which benefits a lot from explaining React, Redux, etc. from the basic principles.It's better to write it once in a thousand times than to follow the author's thoughts and reference code to implement the basic Demo. Here's a Redux architecture from scratch using na ...

Added by jasraj on Wed, 15 May 2019 05:38:07 +0300

How should React gracefully bind events?

Preface Because of the flexibility of JS, we actually have many ways to bind events in React. However, there are many common event bindings that are not efficient. So I want to introduce you to the correct posture of the React binding event. Two common types of error binding events class ErrorExample1 extends Component { balabala(e) {conso ...

Added by newbieaj on Tue, 14 May 2019 19:08:21 +0300

Performance optimization in React through Pure Render and Immutable

Brief introduction: render in React has unnecessary rendering, which can be reduced by Puer Render (Pure Component), but Puer Render is only a shallow comparison, and can not achieve performance optimization on deep objects. Pure Render combined with Immutable can reduce rendering times. 1. render in React Unnecessary ...

Added by SuprSpy79 on Tue, 14 May 2019 16:50:13 +0300