Redisson distributed lock implementation principle and source code

Redisson distributed lock implementation principle and source codeSource code analysisSimple business codeIt is mainly responsible for the source code entry. There are three main methods to use distributed locksRLock lock = redissonClient. Getlock ("HPC lock") gets the class that implements reentrant distributed lockslock. Locklock. U ...

Added by PallaviDalvi on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 21:10:59 +0200

[ruoyi Vue plus] learning note 15 - adding queue data to Redisson Delayed Queue (Redisson source code + Lua script)

preface During this time, I was making up the video of Spring Cloud, which was originally intended to prepare for learning [ruoyi cloud plus]. Then I was urged by the lion leader in the group today (covering my face). The leader said that we can analyze the new function of [ruoyi Vue plus] version 4.0, Redisson distributed queue. In fact, ...

Added by SapAuthor on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 13:27:39 +0200

redis distributed lock

preface redis and zookeeper are the most widely used choices of distributed locks in the market. These two implementations have their own advantages. zookeeper: high availability, low performance and low concurrency. redis: high performance, medium availability and high concurrency Select the appropriate technology implementation according ...

Added by cab on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 16:19:16 +0200

Basics: introduction to distributed locks

catalogue Fundamentals: distributed locks Why do I need distributed locks? Characteristics of distributed locks Common scenarios Redis implements distributed locks Redisson distributed lock entry practice reference Fundamentals: distributed locks The synchronized keyword and ReentrantLock reentrant lock in Java can control concurrent ...

Added by lauxanh on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 06:10:50 +0200

Reission use case

redission 1,pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.redisson</groupId> <artifactId>redisson</artifactId> <version>version</version> </dependency> 2,redissionUtils public class RedissionUtils { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RedissionUtils.class); private static ...

Added by Jene200 on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:51:28 +0200

Lua script quick start (with sample program code)

Lua scripts quick start Lua is case sensitive premise After Lua is installed on this machine, the installation steps of lua can be completed Basics notes -- This is a single line comment -- [[ This is a multiline comment This is a multiline comment -- ]] Reserved keywords Reserved keyword document address variable Type when ...

Added by moberemk on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 19:04:12 +0200