Use of JWT in SDU-PTA projects

2021SC@SDUSC One of the issues to consider in a web project is how to authenticate users. User Authentication Method Traditional session authentication Internet services cannot be separated from user authentication. The general process is as follows. 1. Users send user names and passwords to the server. 2. After the server is ...

Added by mirana on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 19:41:20 +0200

Several ways to implement JavaScript sandbox

preface Sandbox, as the name suggests, is to let your program run in an isolated environment without affecting other programs outside. By creating an independent working environment similar to sandbox, the programs running inside can not have a permanent impact on the hard disk. Usage scenario of sandbox in JS Jsonp: when parsing the jsonp r ...

Added by ReDucTor on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 13:43:22 +0200