Spring cloud Lecture 10: gateway spring cloud gateway

The gateway (second generation) of spring cloud ecology will replace Zuul (first generation) in the future. Gateway is built based on Netty (network communication framework, which can realize high-performance server and client), Reactor and WebFlux (Web Framework Based on Reactive) Benefits of spring cloud gateway Strong performance: zuul1 is ...

Added by headbangerbuggy on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:15:20 +0200

Spring cloud lecture 07: Http templating client Feign

Feign is a declarative and templated HTTP client developed by Netflix. Feign can help us call microservices more quickly and gracefully. 1, Item code The service consumer content center sends a request to the service provider user center to obtain the user's wechat nickname. We realize this requirement through Feign. 1.1. In POM Adding depen ...

Added by ramesh_iridium on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 18:30:07 +0200

GateWay gateway of spring cloudalibaba project

SpringCloudAlibaba essay directory I SpringCloudAlibaba is the father of the project II Nacos building and service registration of spring cloud Alibaba project III Producers and consumers of spring cloud Alibaba project IV Ribbon load balancing of spring cloud Alibaba project V OpenFeign remote call of spring cloudalibaba project Vi Nacos confi ...

Added by benwilhelm on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 04:35:30 +0200

The most complete introduction to SpringCloudAlibaba in history takes you in-depth from scratch ♂ Learning - environment building

Spring cloud Alibaba (I) -- environment construction Introduction to spring cloud Alibaba springcloud The spring team has an open source microservice tool set to help us quickly build distributed systems (microservice systems) and provide netflix for spring organizations springcloud alibaba The open source microservice toolset of alibaba t ...

Added by adt2007 on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 01:50:01 +0200