MySQL Processlist -- View the SQL status of session execution

For MySQL version 5.7, you can use the sys.session view to view the last SQL executed by the session: SELECT * FROM sys.session WHERE CONN_ID = 20036 \G The sys.session view is associated with sys.processlist, and sys.processlist uses `performance_schema'. `events_statements_current'. If you want to query the SQL situation that a ses ...

Added by titeroy on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 03:35:29 +0300

Detailed Explanation of Set Lambda Expressions

# Set Lambda expression Language: Suitable for server development: PHT c++, c ASP golang python... Front end: ios android H5 jsp... Database: MySQL Oracle BD2 Hbase MonggoDB redis, SQL sever... Big data: hadoop flume spark hive yarn zonokeeprer kafka sqoop,HDFS mr,scala... Lambda expression ...

Added by 938660 on Tue, 30 Jul 2019 16:55:13 +0300

myBatis: sql execution process

Reprinted from the excellent articles of Nanke Meng Brothers: 1. SqlSession Factory and SqlSession. Through the introduction and use of mybatis in the previous chapters, we can all appreciate the importance of SqlSession. Yes, on the surface, we all u ...

Added by Otoom on Tue, 30 Jul 2019 12:54:38 +0300

My docker essays 15: MySQL automatically creates databases at startup

Background and Analysis When the MySQL container starts up, it automatically creates some necessary databases, such as MySQL, which is the official default. However, in practice, we also need to let MySQL create our own custom database automatically. This paper explores the application occasion. The ...

Added by rekha on Mon, 29 Jul 2019 17:14:18 +0300

Mybatis Source Code Analysis

In this article, we will read the source code of Mybatis in depth, hoping that we can not be so afraid of the underlying framework in the future, and learn the good ideas of framework design; Architectural principles Architecture diagram Architectural flow chart The two pictures above are from the internet, but they are very good. They basi ...

Added by mjlively on Sun, 28 Jul 2019 16:17:06 +0300

MySQL for Goang Fragmentation

MySQL is a commonly used relational database. This paper introduces how to operate MySQL database in go language. Go Manipulates MySQL Connect The database/sql package in Go language provides a wide range of interfaces to guarantee SQL or quasi-SQL databases, and does not provide specific database drivers. A database driver must be injected wh ...

Added by yhchan on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 12:09:48 +0300

python object-oriented advanced programming using metaclasses

Using metaclasses type() The biggest difference between dynamic and static languages is the definition of functions and classes, which is not defined at compile time, but created dynamically at run time. For example, if we want to define a Hello class, we write a module: class Hello(object): ...

Added by trube on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 13:20:30 +0300

Django Model Layer Multi-table Operation

Django model layer (2) multi-table operation Create a model Relationships between tables and tables One-to-one, many-to-one, many-to-many # The information commonly used in the author's table is placed in this table. class Author(models.Model): name=models.CharField(max_length=32) age=models.IntegerField() authorDetail=models.OneToO ...

Added by SunsetKnight on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 09:47:51 +0300

Introduction to SCOM ManagementPack [Eighth of the Chinese Series of SCOM]

Original Link: ManagementPack can be seen as an extension package that extends SCOM functionality, importing the appropriate MP can monitor things that need to be monitored, ...

Added by jonabomer on Thu, 25 Jul 2019 01:51:37 +0300

LINQ Path: LINQ Extension

Original Link: This article describes LINQ extensions in three ways: extended query operators, custom query operators, and simple simulation of LINQ to SQL. 1. Extended Query ...

Added by iamthebugman on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 19:28:42 +0300