Research on storm source code analysis

2021SC@SDUSC Introduction to stream groups and WordCountTopology 2021SC@SDUSC Stream groupings stream groupings There are 8 flow grouping methods in Storm. One style flow grouping method can be realized by implementing the CustomStreamGroupingj interface: Storm defines eight built-in data flow grouping methods: 1. Shuffle grouping: in thi ...

Added by andychurchill on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 20:51:39 +0200

storm source code analysis

2021SC@SDUSC First, introduce some knowledge about Worker. Then analyze the code. About Worker Relationship among worker, executor and task A worker is a process. A worker is a process. A process contains one or more threads. A thread is an executor. A thread will process one or more tasks. A task is a task, and a task is an instance ob ...

Added by capella07 on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 00:49:11 +0200

Research on storm source code analysis

2021SC@SDUSC bolt source code analysis (III) 2021SC@SDUSC This article mainly introduces the bolt interface Bolt interfaces defined in Storm mainly include IBolt, IRichBolt, IBasicBolt and IBatchBolt The relationships are as follows: IBolt defines the function set of Bolt, and its code is as follows: public interface IBolt ex ...

Added by ducey on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 16:21:01 +0200

Research on storm source code analysis

2021SC@SDUSC Spuut source code analysis (I) 2021SC@SDUSC 2021SC@SDUSC Introduction to core concepts 1. Structure: Sput is one of the core components of storm, and the source interface is IComponent. 2. Send: After sput obtains data from the outside, the Tuple sent to Topology can be reliable or unreliable. Sput can emit multiple stream ...

Added by hobeau on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 17:57:24 +0300