Android instant messaging series articles use the Netty framework to quickly set up a WebSocket server

The wechat technology account of "Wei Feng Chen" has been opened. In order to get the first-hand push of technical articles, you are welcome to search and pay attention! preface With the gradual deepening of the technical points discussed in this series, the official test server mentioned earlier can no longer meet the needs of our ...

Added by Bijan on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 10:36:21 +0200

Wechat interactive big screen dominating screen grabbing red envelope source code and required technology

At that time, the project was developed for a media company in mid-2019. It has many functions, but it does not involve many technical points. It may be the reason why customers need fewer functions. But it's still quite cumbersome, because there are many function points. Dominate the screen, grab red envelopes, interaction, crowdfunding, cash ...

Added by Integra_grrl on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 15:37:09 +0200

Understand WebSocket thoroughly

prefaceBefore the emergence of WebSocket, the front-end and back-end interaction usually used Ajax for HTTP API communication. However, if there are projects with real-time requirements, such as PVP battle or push message in chat room or game, the front-end needs to poll the back-end regularly. However, too fast polling may lead to too much pre ...

Added by MrJW on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 22:34:58 +0200

ZKTeco live20R fingerprint acquisition and identification is suitable for Google browser

Recently, the software project at hand needs to use fingerprint collector, so I went to a treasure and found that there are few mature fingerprint acquisition module manufacturers. Found a company with the highest sales. The price is also very cheap. Most of them have desktop versions and Internet Explorer plug-ins, but none of them have G ...

Added by agallo on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:04:41 +0200

The best way to configure WebSocket in spring cloud

prefaceRecently, there is a private message function in the project, which needs to use websocket, so I looked for information on the Internet and summarized some experience in practice to share with you.problemBefore I do this, let me ask you a question:The SpringBoot project integrates webSocket. When the client establishes a connection with ...

Added by mhenke on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 11:53:13 +0200

Implementation of instant messaging between server and client based on Netty's WebSocket protocol and its problems

1, Introduction Technology stack: Java: 1.8 SpringBoot: 2.2.2.RELEASE Netty: 4.1.32.Final For basic understanding, refer to the following article: Current time: 17:02:38, December 31, 2021 As the last year of 2021, blog. 2, Question 2.1 start server mode Previously, the ...

Added by jodie on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 13:47:06 +0200

The use of websocket in uni app the mechanism of disconnection, reconnection and heartbeat

preface Recently, webSocket has been used in the development of H5 and APP. Sometimes the network of web/app is unstable or the server is disconnected actively, which leads to the failure of message push, and the client needs to be reconnected. After consulting the data, we found a heartbeat mechanism, that is, the client sends a message to ...

Added by brentech on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 21:02:01 +0200

Implementation of springboot websokcet tomcat

There are many ways to implement websocket with springboot, and the simplest one is to implement it with @ ServerEndpoint annotation. First, we need to introduce the dependency of websocket: pom. XML (the most important dependency) <!--ws--> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactI ...

Added by garmann on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 13:50:09 +0200

[RRQMSocket.WebSocket] C# build WebSocket server and client

1, Overview 1.1 what is WebSocket?? WebSocket is a protocol for full duplex communication over a single TCP connection. WebSocket communication protocol was defined as standard RFC 6455 by IETF in 2011 and supplemented by RFC7936. The WebSocket API is also standardized by W3C. WebSocket makes the data exchange between the client and the ...

Added by sloshire1 on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 01:51:00 +0200

Drink, talk and chat, based on vue3 0+Tornado6. 1 + redis PubSub mode to build an asynchronous non blocking (aioredis) real-time (websocket) communication chat system

The original text is reproduced from "Liu Yue's technology blog" "Desire for expression" is a powerful "source power" in the history of human growth. Engels pointed out bluntly that human beings in the ignorant era, that is, the low-level stage, "take fruits, nuts and roots as food; th ...

Added by Mzor on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 13:02:40 +0200