win32 split window of a simple approach, very good programming thinking

In win32, the split bar is used to split a parent window into several sub windows. These sub windows can be resized freely with the drag of the split bar, which can make the program more beautiful. As shown in the following figure: the drawing window is divided into four sub windows by two horizontal and vertical dividing bars. In fact, five st ...

Added by Jon12345 on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 10:12:43 +0200

win32 timeSetEvent usage record (win32 porting ucos ii)

When using the ucos porting code provided on the Internet on win32, it often appears that it either cannot be started or will fake death within 0-5 hours (the threads of ucos ii are waiting and the task scheduling stops), and there will be no error in the middle. Let's take a look at the principle of Porting ucos on win32 first; Porting ucos i ...

Added by mikegzarejoyce on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 04:54:12 +0200

Where is the virtual table pointer

Virtual table pointer Someone in the group asked. I wrote it Starting from the simplest class, there are differences between single inheritance and multi inheritance virtual table pointers Code in 32 environment: Write the conclusion first:           Virtual table pointer is assigned in constructor and destructor ( ...

Added by cyberdwarf on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 01:06:27 +0200