The layui table shows the cascading query of multiple tables in the background (many to many, many to one) with mybatis cascading query source code, which has been solved

In ssm and springboot projects, we have one to many and many to many situations between tables, so they need to perform cascade query to query the associated data. The problem involved in cascade query is that there are objects (one to one) or object collections (one to many) of another entity class in one entity class, When using layui, we will page the query data and return it to the front end. Layui will page automatically. We often use to return the data of an entity class. In case of cascading query, we may not know how to transfer the data to the front end, and the table will be rendered automatically. We don't talk much about the subject.

First look at my entity class. Inside BuyTotal Set of, one to many)
package com.zlx.pojo;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import java.util.List;
//Administrator account class
public class Admin {
    private Integer adminid;
    private String username;
    private String password;
    private String identify;
    //There are multiple records in one cashier
    private List<BuyTotal> buyTotalList;
} User Objects, one-on-one, and BuyRecord Set, one to many)
package com.zlx.pojo;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import java.util.List;

public class BuyTotal {
    private int totalid;
    private int uid;
    private double salesMoney;
    private double payMoney;
    private double changeMoney;
    private int adminid;
    //There are multiple detailed records in a general record
    private List<BuyRecord> buyRecordList;
    //A total record corresponds to a user;
    private User user;
package com.zlx.pojo;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;

import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;

public class User {
    private Integer uid;
    private String idCard;
    private String integral;
package com.zlx.pojo;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

public class BuyRecord {
    private int totalid;
    private int gid;
    private int buyAmount;
    //A detailed record records a commodity
    private Goods goods;
package com.zlx.pojo;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.ToString;

public class Goods {
    private Integer gid;
    private String gNo;
    private String gName;

    private String price;
    private String isBargainPrice;
    private String bargainPrice;
    private String unit;
    private String stock;

The following is the cascade query source code in mybatis. Several tables are combined to query data through cascade query

<select id="queryAllRecordByCondition" parameterType="map" resultMap="AdminMapping">
        SELECT buytotal.totalid AS buy_tid,idcard,gname,price,isbargainprice,bargainPrice,unit,buyAmount,salesMoney,payMoney,changeMoney,integral,username
        FROM ADMIN ,buyrecord,buytotal,goods,USER WHERE
        admin.adminid=buytotal.adminid AND user.uid=buytotal.uid
        AND buytotal.totalid=buyrecord.totalid AND goods.gid = buyrecord.gid
        <if test="username!=null and username!=''">
            AND username like concat('%',#{username},'%')
        <if test="idCard!=null and idCard!=''">
            and idCard like concat('%',#{idCard},'%')

    <resultMap id="AdminMapping" type="com.zlx.pojo.Admin">
        <id column="adminid" property="adminid"></id>
        <result column="username" property="username"></result>
        <collection property="buyTotalList" ofType="com.zlx.pojo.BuyTotal" resultMap="buyTotalMapping"></collection>
    <resultMap id="buyTotalMapping" type="com.zlx.pojo.BuyTotal">
        <id column="buy_tid" property="totalid"></id>
        <result column="salesMoney" property="salesMoney"></result>
        <result column="payMoney" property="payMoney"></result>
        <result column="changeMoney" property="changeMoney"></result>
        <association property="user" javaType="com.zlx.pojo.User" resultMap="UserMapping"></association>
        <collection property="buyRecordList" ofType="com.zlx.pojo.BuyRecord" resultMap="BuyRecordMapping"></collection>
    <resultMap id="UserMapping" type="com.zlx.pojo.User">
        <result column="idCard" property="idCard"></result>
        <result column="integral" property="integral"></result>
    <resultMap id="BuyRecordMapping" type="com.zlx.pojo.BuyRecord">
        <result column="buyAmount" property="buyAmount"></result>
        <association property="goods" javaType="com.zlx.pojo.Goods" resultMap="GoodsMapping"></association>
    <resultMap id="GoodsMapping" type="com.zlx.pojo.Goods">
        <result column="gName" property="gName"></result>
        <result column="price" property="price"></result>
        <result column="isBargainPrice" property="isBargainPrice"></result>
        <result column="bargainPrice" property="bargainPrice"></result>
        <result column="unit" property="unit"></result>

The found data is finally paged through the controller and then transmitted to the front end. The most important step in whether to render the data to the layui table is to set the cols of the layui. Only one entity class is very simple, and the attributes of the entity class can be written there directly, while the cascade has object 1 Object 2 Property, as shown in the following code

                        field: 'buyTotalList', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].totalid;
                        }, title: 'Odd Numbers', width: 120, sort: true, align: "center"
                        field: 'user', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].user.idCard;
                        }, title: 'Membership card number', width: 100, align: "center"
                        field: 'goods', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].buyRecordList[0].goods.gname;
                        }, title: 'Trade name', width: 150, align: "center"
                        field: 'goods', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].buyRecordList[0].goods.price;
                        }, title: 'original price', width: 80, sort: true, align: "center"
                        field: 'goods', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].buyRecordList[0].goods.isBargainPrice;
                        }, title: 'Special price', width: 120, sort: true, align: "center"
                        field: 'goods', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].buyRecordList[0].goods.bargainPrice;
                        }, title: 'Special price', width: 120, sort: true, align: "center"
                        field: 'goods', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].buyRecordList[0].goods.unit;
                        }, title: 'Company', width: 80, align: "center"
                        field: 'buyRecordList', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].buyRecordList[0].buyAmount;
                        }, title: 'Purchase quantity', width: 120, align: "center"
                        field: 'buyTotalList', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].salesMoney;
                        }, title: 'Amount of this document', width: 120, align: "center"
                        field: 'buyTotalList', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].payMoney;
                        }, title: 'Paid in amount', width: 120, align: "center"
                        field: 'buyTotalList', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].changeMoney;
                        }, title: 'give change', width: 80, align: "center"
                        field: 'user', templet: function (data) {
                            return data.buyTotalList[0].user.integral;
                        }, title: 'integral', width: 80, sort: true, align: "center"
                    {field: 'username', title: 'Cashier No', width: 120, align: "center"},
                    , {title: 'operation',width:80, toolbar: '#currentTableBar', align: "center"}


It can be seen that the field in cols is not the field name, but the subsequent object name,
For example, object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Property, the field writes object 3 and the mapped data is
Object 3 Attribute data corresponding to the attribute. You can also see that you need to add a function to return data.

Finally, I have encountered a pit that may occur in the layui. Sometimes the field of cols writes the attribute name of the back-end entity class, but the data is not displayed, or only some columns are displayed. Then you should directly access the controller layer that transmits the data and observe the attribute name of the data that it returns to the front end, The attribute name may be modified (my own is that the initial letter of the attribute name has been changed from uppercase to lowercase ~ ~)

Keywords: Java Spring Spring Boot Layui

Added by SUNNY ARSLAN on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 05:58:28 +0200