Getting started with spring security

SpringSecurity Related concepts Principal [user or device using the system or user logging in remotely from other systems, etc. in short, whoever uses the system is the principal.] Authentication [the authority management system confirms the identity of an entity and allows the entity to enter the system. In short, it means that the &quo ...

Added by bb_xpress on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 15:41:53 +0200

Implementation of decoration acceptance management system based on Java springboot + layui

preface: With the development of science and technology and the unique living environment, more and more people pursue the progress of science and technology. Therefore, in today's architectural decoration engineering, we should not only consider the needs of customers and the coordination and unity with the building structure, but also consi ...

Added by wdseelig on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 04:10:41 +0200

Course design - store management system - production of front-end pages

Production of front-end pages Because I learned database some time ago, the school teacher asked to make a database management system. I looked at the required topics, and the most appropriate one is the store management system (the e-commerce system that major training institutions must do). This blog is to record the production process of my ...

Added by isurgeon on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 22:53:12 +0200

Implementation of role management in blog system

Implementation of role management in blog system Overview: the basic function of role management is to add, delete, modify and query roles. However, due to the relationship between roles and permissions, the relationship between roles needs to be considered in adding, deleting, modifying and querying. When adding roles, you need to grant permi ...

Added by Skittlewidth on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 14:17:43 +0200

The layui table shows the cascading query of multiple tables in the background (many to many, many to one) with mybatis cascading query source code, which has been solved

In ssm and springboot projects, we have one to many and many to many situations between tables, so they need to perform cascade query to query the associated data. The problem involved in cascade query is that there are objects (one to one) or object collections (one to many) of another entity class in one entity class, When using layui, we wil ...

Added by SUNNY ARSLAN on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 05:58:28 +0200

B Station Handle Laui+javaWeb Project Full Record

Catalog 1. Student Theme Selection 1. Students view all topics 1. Title data sheet and Title Query appear after I click on the title I want to select (as in the data table section of allTitle.html) 2 Theme Selection Operation 1. chooseMyTitle.jsp: add tool line monitoring 2. Main logic 2. Withdrawal 3. Uploading Works by Students 1 ...

Added by PhantomCube on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 19:47:14 +0200

Implementation of skill competition scoring system in teaching and Research Department of school based on SSM+Layui+Bootstrap

Project No.: BS-GX-009 Development tools: IDEA /Eclipse Database: mysql5 7+Redis Front end development: Layui+Bootstrap Back end development: SSM development framework Functional requirements: It is divided into three stages The first stage is: the competition stage of the teaching and Research Office (the teacher competition of the sa ...

Added by jeppers on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 01:27:01 +0200

❤️ After this springboot project, I'm familiar with boot! [source code + video are open source] [strongly recommended to collect] ❤️

Last time I shared a springboot+vue campus recruitment system, video tutorials and project source code. They are all open source and should be said to be very fragrant. Today I'll share a good springboot project. Old rules, open source, open source, open source!!! Here comes the golden nine and silver ten, boys, rush! Many interview quest ...

Added by niall_buckley on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 07:01:48 +0200

jQuery+layui will take you to upload, delete and zoom in preview pictures

jQuery is old. Can you still fight? Recently, I have often seen this question and the answers of various front-end developers. The author thinks that in the era of large front-end, jQuery is still hot today with project modular development. Why do you say so? Although many companies now use Vue and React frameworks for project development, for ...

Added by spudmclard on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 01:12:46 +0200

mysql relational database generates a tree structure, and the Layui page renders the tree structure diagram (detailed)

#Foreword The technologies used in the project related to this article: Layui, Mysql; In the project, you need to use a tree structure to display some data. It is found by consulting the relevant data of the tree view The tree view has strict requirements on the format of data, not only id, parent node and child node, but also the hierar ...

Added by NZ_Kiwis on Sat, 27 Nov 2021 04:51:59 +0200