JavaScript prototype chain and inheritance
I Prototype chain mechanism1. Essence of prototype chainAs long as it is an object, there must be a prototype object, that is, as long as it is an object, there must be a proto attribute. (wrong)We think the prototype object of the instance is also an object, so we urgently want to see the prototype object of this prototype object If there is n ...
Added by wystan on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 09:40:54 +0200
Spring MVC is the way of JAVA architecture. Master spring MVC easily.
1. Text
1. What is MVC architecture? 2. What is the spring MVC framework? 3. Why use spring MVC architecture? 4. Quick start spring MVC? 5. The process of spring MVC. 6. How spring MVC accepts the requested parameters. 7. How does spring MVC forward the parameters of the control layer to the front-end page?
2. What is MVC architecture? ...
Added by MikeTyler on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 09:27:00 +0200
2022 front end interview questions
1 = = and = = = difference
2. What is the difference between $route and $route?
3 what is promise?
4 what is nested routing?
1 = = and = = = difference
= = =: it is called the equivalent when the values on both sides type When the types are the same, the values are directly compared. If the types are different, false is dir ...
Added by Tilemachos on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 09:22:17 +0200
C language programming (Chapter 8 establishing data types)
C language programming (Chapter 8 establishing data types)
1, Defining and using structure variables
1. Create your own structure type
C language allows users to establish a combined data structure composed of different types of data, which is called structure
If you want to use the data s ...
Added by itaym02 on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 09:07:29 +0200
Algorithm question brushing record (Day 4)
Flip Game(poj1753)
Original question link Topic type: Enumeration At the beginning, I was very confused to see this problem. Since the turning of one point will affect the other points next to me, the problems such as which point to turn, how to enumerate, and how to determine whether it is necessary to turn poured into my mind. After thinking ...
Added by craigerjs on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 09:03:03 +0200
MongoDB entry practice - Installation
This article mainly introduces the installation of MongoDB and the software versions used: MongoDB 5.0.5 and Centos 7.6.
1. Stand alone installation
1.1. Download and unzip MongoDB
Download address:
Decompression: tar zxvf mongodb Linux x86_ 64-rhel70-5.0.5. tgz
1.2. Create data and log direct ...
Added by Jamesm on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 08:55:06 +0200
AtCoder Beginner Contest 239 A~E
Problem surface Problem Statement Assuming that the horizon seen from a place x meters above the ground is sqrt(x(12800000+x)) meters away, find how many meters away the horizon seen from a place H meters above the ground is. Carelessness Assuming that the horizon X seen from a place is sqrt (X (128000 + X)) meters away from the ground, fi ...
Added by speedamp on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 08:49:57 +0200
Form tags of HTML common tags
Form tags of HTML common tags
preface1, Form field2, Form element
1.input form drop-down form elements3.textarea form element
In web pages, we need to interact with users and collect user data. At this time, we need to use form labels In HTML, a complete form is usually composed of three parts: form field, form ...
Added by Harsh on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 08:48:07 +0200
First day of javascript introduction
typora-copy-images-to: img
Today's content
JavaScript introduction Basic syntax of JavaScript JavaScript properties and text operations Dom operation of JavaScript
I JavaScript introduction
1. JavaScript overview
JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. It is an object-based and event driven client-side scripting language, wh ...
Added by ntbd on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 08:38:56 +0200
Collect and monitor asynchronous task error logs
1, Requirement description
When encountering a task at work, conduct error log monitoring on the asynchronous tasks executed in the thread pool opened in the scheduled task to ensure that the scheduled task can run normally, or when the first exception occurs, the operation and maintenance personnel can quickly find the problem task through th ...
Added by LowEndTheory on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 08:38:44 +0200