Spring 5 source code reading 2spring container startup
The start of the container is mainly to create the container, initialize the container, read the spring configuration file, generate the BeanDefinition, and create the bean instance through reflection according to the BeanDefinition.
1 webApp start loading
The webApp startup process is mainly to load web xml web. The loading of XML will l ...
Added by ronniebrown on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:27:56 +0200
Mesh erase effect
Because the erasure effect was needed in previous projects, I didn't know what technology to use at that time, so I cracked other people's games and found a library: Clipper. As a result, we really found the c# library written by the original author on github. The original author actually wrote an mfc exe running file, so we only need the origi ...
Added by MagicMikey on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:24:22 +0200
There are already Optional use cases in Nacos, so it's time to be careful with this syntax
Java 8 provides many new features, but many friends don't pay attention to it and still use the old writing method. Recently, I read a lot of the source code of the open source framework and found that many API s of Java 8 have been used frequently.
Taking the Nacos framework as an example, there are already typical Optional use cases ...
Added by rodin on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:16:22 +0200
C + + multithreaded programming (ODBC programming learning notes)
Learning notes on C language / C + + Programming: multithreading plays a very important role in programming. We can always encounter multithreading problems in actual development or job interview. Our understanding of multithreading reflects the programming level of programmers from one side.
API functions for creating threads
HANDLE CreateTh ...
Added by lucy on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:08:37 +0200
[crazy God says Redis] 3 five data types
Five data types
Official website document
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed) in memory data structure storage system, which can be used as database, cache and message middleware MQ. It supports many types of data structures, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets and range queries, bitmaps, hyperlogs and geospatial index ...
Added by dibyajyotig on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:05:52 +0200
Springboot integration Swagger3 detailed operation steps
1. add dependency
2. Add the configuration file resources \ config \ swagger properties
3. Write Swagger3Config configuration class
4. Write the Ctronller class
5. Start access address:
6. Swagger3 common notes
1. Add dependency
<!-- introduce swagger3 package -->
<groupId>io.springfox< ...
Added by chrispbrown on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:00:51 +0200
This article teaches you to easily master the basic use of Apache POI
1, Introduction to Apache POI
Excel processing is often designed in development, such as exporting excel and importing excel into the database. A few years ago, there were two frameworks commonly used to operate excel, one is apache poi and the other is Java Excel. However, now there are EasyPoi and Alibaba open source EasyExcel, which wil ...
Added by Ark3typ3 on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 09:29:56 +0200
Embedded C language development file IO programming open/close/read/write/stat/fstat/lstat
int fd2;
fd2=open(argv[1],O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL,0655);
perror("open file error!");
int ret=close(fd2);
Partial code
O_RDONLY O_WRONLY O_RDWR: read only write only O_CREAT: create when the f ...
Added by jtrost on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 09:29:27 +0200
Hyperledger Fabric 2.x custom smart contract
1, Explain
In order to continuously update information and manage the ledger (write transactions, query, etc.), the blockchain network has introduced smart contracts to access and control the ledger; Smart contract is called chain code in Fabric, which is the business logic of blockchain application.
This article shares how to use the Java ...
Added by Jeb. on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 08:50:48 +0200
Deep understanding of redis -- redis distributed lock
1. Type of lock2. Characteristics of a highly robust distributed lock3. Evolution of a single redis distributed lock4. Multiple redis distributed locks5. Summary 1. Type of lockIn our daily development activities, locks are generally divided into two categories:1) Locks in the same JVM, such as synchronized and Lock, ReentrantLock, etc2) Distri ...
Added by darga333 on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 08:24:09 +0200