angular self study notes


1, Preliminary start


Angualr is an open-source web front-end framework developed by Google. It was born in 2009, created by Misko Hevery and others, and later acquired by Google. Is an excellent front-end JS framework, which has been used in many Google products.

According to the statistics of the number of projects, angular (1.x, 2.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x, 9.x) is the most used framework on the Internet.

Based on TypeScript, Angular is more suitable for medium and large enterprise projects than react and vue.

At present, the latest version of angular is angular9 on December 25, 2019 x. According to the official introduction, angular will update a version every few months. Angular2. The usage of all angular versions after X is the same, and this tutorial is also applicable to angular 7 x , Angular8.x,Angular9.x and other future versions

Note: learning Angular requires the foundation of TypeScript

1.2 installation of Angular Cli

  • Operating environment: NodeJS
  • Installing Angular Cli
    • npm install -g @angular/cli
    • Use ng v to view the version

Note: angular Cli has strict requirements on the node version. Pay attention to the node version prompted by the warning

1.3. Create and run projects

  • Create project

    • Ng new project name: for example, ng new testObj

      • Would you like to add Angular routing?	//Install angular routing
        Mhich stylesheet fornat would you like to use?//Choose which css processor
  • Installation dependency

    • Enter the project directory and execute npm i
  • Run project

    • Execute ng serve --open

IE8 does not support angular projects

1.4. Directory structure

app				//Folder where components and root modules are placed
assets			//Static resource folder
environments 	//Environment related folders
.browserslistrc	//Browser configuration support file
favicon.ico		//Web page icon
index.html		//Entry file
karma.conf.js	//End to end test file
main.js			//Project entry file
polyfill.js		//Project population Library
styles.css		//Common style file, the file type is determined when the project is created
test.ts			//Test entry file
package.json	//npm profile

2, Foundation

2.1. Create components

The terminal executes ng g view to create a new file type

ng g type name specifies the directory

#Example: create a new component to the news folder in the components under the app
ng g component components/news

The component path depends on the default app folder as the root directory

  • Components created with the command will automatically create corresponding CSS, HTML and ts files
  • And will be on app module. Automatic introduction and configuration in TS

2.2. Component data binding

  • Define data in component ts file
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '...',			//Use the name of this component
  templateUrl: '...',		//html for this component
  styleUrls: ['...']		//css for this component
//Syntax refers to classes in typescript
export class NewsComponent implements OnInit {
  public newsTitle = "Daily News"		//
  msg:string = 'The temperature is high today'		   //Without the attribute modifier, typescript will default to public
    							   //The definition data should specify a data type (typescript specification
  constructor() { }		//Constructor

  ngOnInit(): void {

  • Using data in html
<!-- In the corresponding html Data used in -->
<h2>I'm the news component</h2>

<!-- Class formula Vue Syntax, but there can be more than one root component in the component-->

2.3. Binding attribute value

<!-- use[]Dynamic binding properties 		similar v-bind-->
<!-- [Attribute name]="data/Data variable name" -->
<div [title]="titleInfor">
  mouse hover,Show me how to dynamically bind attributes

2.4 parsing html code

<!-- use[innerHTML]analysis HTML code,		similar v-html -->
<!-- Use with caution and may Vue It is also prone to network attacks -->
<span [innerHTML]="content"></span>

2.5. Attribute traversal

<!-- *ngFor Cycle,			Similar formula in v-for -->
  <li *ngFor="let item of newsList;let i=index;let odd=odd;let even=even;let f=first;let l=last">
    <p>is odd :{{odd}}</p>
    <p>is even :{{even}}</p>
    <p>Is it the last one:{{l}}</p>
<!-- be careful: ngFor of index It is required to declare variable reception and provide other additional parameters -->
<!-- Angular Loop traversal in, no need to add key -->

2.6 icon introduction

<!-- assets Pictures in resource folders -->
<!-- No need to write relative picture directory, default from assets folders finding -->
<img src="assets/image/icon-yellow_03.png" alt="">
<!-- Bind dynamic picture address -->
<img [src]="imgSrc" alt="">

<!-- stay ts When defining a picture path from a file assets start -->
  // You do not need to write a relative picture directory. By default, you can find it from the assets folder
  public imgSrc ='assets/image/icon-yellow_05.png'

2.7 conditional rendering

  • gnIf
    • Similar to v-if
<!-- gnIf -->
<p *ngIf="ifShow">by true When I show</p>
<!-- gnIf--ngIf-else -->
<ng-container *ngIf="ifShow; else elseTemplate">
  <p>by true When I show</p>
<ng-template #elseTemplate>
  <p>by false When I show</p>
  • ngSwitch
<!-- ngSwitch -->
<span [ngSwitch]="stateNum">
<p *ngSwitchCase=1>
1 Indicates failure
<p *ngSwitchCase=2>
 2 Indicates success
<p *ngSwitchDefault>

2.8 binding properties and styles

  • ngClass
<!-- ngClass -->
<!-- [ngClass]="{'class1': true}   
  key Is the property name, value Is a Boolean value when value by true,The attribute is displayed -->
<div [ngClass]="{'class1': true,'nn':false}"> 
I demonstrate ngClass
  • ngStyle
<!-- ngStyle -->
<!-- [ngStyle]="{'Attribute name': 'Attribute value','fontWeight':'bold'} -->
<!-- Attribute names can be humped or not -->
<!-- Note: attribute values are not added''Indicates that a variable is used instead of a property string -->
<div [ngStyle]="{'color': 'red','fontWeight':'bold'}">
  I'm demonstrating ngStyle

2.9 event binding

<!-- use(Event name)="Method name()" -->
<!-- use $event Incoming event object -->
<p (click)="run($event)">Point me!
<input type="text" (keyup)="inputFn($event)">

ts file

export class HeaderComponent implements OnInit {

  public str = 'FBI open door!!!'

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
  // Custom method
    // Change data
    this.str = 'FBI incoming !!!'
  // Parameter must specify type

2.10 bidirectional binding

  • Note that you need to enter the app module. TS import FormsModule

// FormsModule implements bidirectional binding
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

  declarations: [   //Configure the running components of the current project
  imports: [        //Configure other modules on which the current module depends
  • Use bidirectional binding
<!-- Need in app.module.ts introduce FormsModule 		similar v-model-->
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="bdstr">

3, Pipeline

The function and usage of pipe are similar to the filter in Vue

3.1. angular official common pipeline

  • toggle case
<p>{{'Str' | uppercase}}</p>//Convert to uppercase
<p>{{'Str' | lowercase}}</p>//Convert to lowercase
  • toggle case
<p>{{new Date().getTime() | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' }}</p> 

3.2. Custom pipe

Create using ng g pipe placement directory / pipe name

For example, create a mydemo pipe under the pipe under the app

ng g pipe pipe/mydemo

The following is the contents of the pipeline ts file

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

  // Define reference pipe name
  name: 'mydemo'
export class MydemoPipe implements PipeTransform {
  // transform(value: unknown, ...args: unknown[]): unknown {
  //   return null;
  // }
  // Custom pipeline function (fixed function name as transform)
  transform(value: string): string {
    if(!value) return value;
    if(typeof value !== 'string') {
      throw new Error('Invalid pipe argument for WelcomePipe');
    return "Welcome to " + value;

app. module. Inlet pipe in TS

// Lead in pipe
import { MydemoPipe } from './pipe/mydemo.pipe';
//Configuration pipeline
  declarations: [   //Configure the running components of the current project

Using custom pipes

<!-- Custom pipe -->
<p>{{ 'Tianjin' | mydemo }}</p>

4, Two way binding form exercise

  • toDoList
  • search

5, Service

Store public methods or properties, create multiple services, and call each other between services

5.1. Create service

ng g service specifies the directory / service name

5.2 introduction of services

Feels like VueX in Vue?

  1. On app module. In TS

    // Introduction Service
    //MyserviceService is myservice Class name exposed in service
    import { MyserviceService } from './services/myservice.service'
      declarations: [   //Configure the running components of the current project
      imports: [        //Configure other modules on which the current module depends
      providers: [  MyserviceService ],    //Configure the services required by the project
  2. In component

    // The services to be used by this component are introduced
    import { MyserviceService } from '../../services/myservice.service'
    export class TodolistComponent implements OnInit {
      // Initialize service
      // Dependency injection???
      //public custom variable name: the name of the imported service
      constructor(public myserve:MyserviceService) { 
      ngOnInit(): void {
        // Using methods in services

5.3 persistence

Implemented through sessionStorage or localStorage

6, ViewChild

Similar to ref in Vue?

6.1. Get dom node

//Introducing ViewChild into component ts
import { Component, OnInit,ViewChild,... } from '@angular/core';

//Use in html 	# Custom name 	 Identify dom nodes
<div #mybox>
  I'm a div bound to ViewChild

//Get the dom node using the ViewChild modifier
export class ViewchildComponent implements OnInit {
//@Viewchild ('name of using # binding on DOM ') custom variable name: any
  @ViewChild('mybox') aaa:any
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    console.log(,'Print mybox')

6.2. Obtaining sub components

//Binding subcomponent app news
	<!-- Binding components -- >
	<app-news #news></app-news>

//Using subcomponent methods
export class ViewchildComponent implements OnInit {
//Get subcomponents through ViewChild
  @ViewChild('news') news:any
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
      //View subcomponent information
    console.log(,'Print news')
    // Calling subcomponent methods

7, Components

7.1 parent child components

7.2 component communication

7.2. 1. Parent component passes value to child component

@input is similar to props in Vue

The parent component can not only pass data to the child component, but also pass its own methods and the whole parent component to the child component

  • In parent component
<!-- Bind the data of the parent component to the child component -->
<!-- The following are the parent component data    Parent component method parent component itself -->
<app-search [msg]="message" [fn]='run' [fcpn]='this'></app-search>
  • In subcomponents
// The Input module is introduced into the sub component
import { Component, OnInit,Input } from '@angular/core';
export class SearchComponent implements OnInit {

  // Binding data using the Input modifier
  @Input() msg:any
  @Input() fn:any
  @Input() fcpn:any
  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    console.log(this.msg,'Data passed by parent component')
    // Execute parent component method
    // console.log('execute parent component method ')
    // Output parent component
    console.log(this.fcpn,'Output parent component')

7.2. 2. The child component passes values to the parent component

There are two methods:

  • Get subcomponents using ViewChild
  • Use @ Output to trigger the parent component, similar to $emit in Vue
//Introduce in subcomponents 	 Output,EventEmitter 	 modular
import { Component, OnInit,Input ,Output,EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';

export class SearchComponent implements OnInit {

  //Declare variables through the Output modifier to receive and instantiate EventEmitter
  @Output() private myouter = new EventEmitter

  constructor() { }
  // Pass value to parent component
    // Broadcast data
    this.myouter.emit('I am the data passed from the child component to the parent component')

<!-- In parent component -->
<app-search (myouter)="getChild($event)"></app-search>

<!-- getChild Is the method of the parent component, and its parameters $event Parameters passed for subcomponents -->

8, Life cycle

  • ngOnChanges - called when the value of the data binding input property changes
  • ngOnInit - after the first ngOnChanges, the call / / component and instruction initialization is completed, not the real dom load completion.
  • ngDoCheck - a custom method for detecting and processing changes in values
  • ngAfterContentInit - call after component content initialization
  • ngAfterContentChecked - called each time the component checks the content
  • After the ngAfterViewInit - component view is initialized, it is invoked / / recommended to operate dom here.
  • ngAfterViewChecked - called each time the component checks the view
  • ngOnDestroy - call before destruction
Function namedescribe
constructorConstructors should do nothing but initialize local variables with simple values. (it is not a lifecycle function)
ngOnChangesRespond when Angular (resets) the data binding input property. This method accepts the SimpleChange object of the current and previous property values. When the bound input property value changes, the first call must occur before ngOnInit.
ngOnInitAfter Angular displays the data binding for the first time and sets the input properties of the instruction / component, initialize the instruction / component. After the completion of the first round of ngOnChanges (), it is called only once. = = = = = = = There are two reasons for using ngOnInit: 1. Execute complex initialization logic immediately after the constructor; 2. After Angular sets the input properties, prepare the component.
ngDoCheckCheck and execute in ngOnInit. Data can be checked during this lifecycle
ngAfterContentInitAfter the component is rendered, the periodic function is called after the content is projected into the component. After the first ngDoCheck, it is called only once.
ngAfterContentCheckedCheck, similar to ngDoCheck
ngAfterViewInitAfter the view is loaded, it is called. After the first ngAfterContentChecked (), it is called only once.
ngAfterViewCheckedCheck, similar to ngDoCheck
ngOnDestroyCall before component destruction
// The specification corresponding to the life function is followed by the implements, which may not be introduced
// If it is introduced, it shall be written according to its specifications
// Use when introducing multiple, split
export class LifefnComponent implements OnInit {
  public msg:string = ''
  constructor() { 
    console.log('00---I am constructor Constructor')
  ngOnChanges(): void {
    console.log('01---I am ngOnChanges Life cycle function')
  ngOnInit(): void {
    console.log('02---I am ngOnInit Life cycle function')
  ngDoCheck(): void {
    console.log('03---I am ngDoCheck Life cycle function')
  ngAfterContentInit(): void {
    console.log('04---I am ngAfterContentInit Life cycle function')
  ngAfterContentChecked(): void {
    console.log('05---I am ngAfterContentChecked Life cycle function')
  ngAfterViewInit(): void {
    console.log('06---I am ngAfterViewInit Life cycle function')
  ngAfterViewChecked(): void {
    console.log('07---I am ngAfterViewChecked Life cycle function')
  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    console.log('08---I am ngOnDestroy Life cycle function')

9, RxJS

9.1 introduction

RxJS is a JavaScript version of the ReactiveX programming philosophy. ReactiveX comes from Microsoft. It is a kind of programming for asynchronous data flow. In short, it packages all data, including HTTP requests, DOM events or ordinary data, into a stream form, and then processes it with powerful and rich operator streams, so that you can process asynchronous data in a synchronous programming way, and combine different operators to easily and gracefully realize the functions you need.

RxJS is a programming tool for asynchronous data flow, or responsive extended programming; However, no matter how RxJS is interpreted, its goal is asynchronous programming. Angular introduced RxJS to make asynchronous controllable and simpler.

Popular understanding: RxJS is mainly used for asynchronous programming, similar to Promise, but more powerful.

RxJS is a third-party module, but Angular has integrated RxJS to make asynchronous controllable and simpler.

Common asynchronous programming methods at present:

  • Callback function
  • Event listening / publish subscribe
  • Promise
  • RxJS

9.2 asynchronous comparison between Promise and RxJS

The method of use is similar

However, rxjs can be withdrawn halfway, rxjs can emit multiple values, rxjs provides a variety of tool functions, and so on.

// Use RxJS in the files used
// Observable with RxJS
import { observable, Observable } from 'rxjs';

#Define function
  // Promise
    return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        let data = {
          name:'Zhang San',
      }, 2000);

  // RxJS
    return new Observable((observer) =>{
      setTimeout(() => {
        let data = {
          name:'Zhang San',
        }     //Successfully called next method
        // observer.error('error ') / / call failed Error method
      }, 2000);

    //3. promise to obtain asynchronous data
    this.myserve.getPromiseData().then((res) => {

    // 4.RxJS obtains asynchronous data
    this.myserve.getRxjsData().subscribe((res) => {

9.3 unsubscribe unsubscribe

After Promise is created, the action cannot be undone Unlike Observable, actions can be withdrawn halfway through the unsubscribe method

    // 5. Use unsubscribe to withdraw
    // If the asynchronous method has not been executed, it can be withdrawn
    let rxjsFn = this.myserve.getRxjsData()
    let data2 = rxjsFn.subscribe((res) => {
      console.log(data,'RxJS of subscribe value')
    // Cancel with the value of subscribe
    // Effect: cancel the execution of getRxjsData after one second
    setTimeout(() => {
      // Unsubscribe unsubscribe
    }, 1000);//The delay time here is less than the delay in getRxjsData (simulated withdrawal before asynchronous function execution)

9.4. Multiple subscription execution

#Defined in serve
  // Perform comparison multiple times
  // Promise
    return new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
      setInterval(() => {
        let data = {
          name:'Zhang San',
  // RxJS
    return new Observable((observe) => {
      setInterval(() =>{
        let data = {
          name:'Zhang San',
    // 6.Promise is executed multiple times (promise can't do it)
    let p2 = this.myserve.getPromiseDataInterval()
    p2.then((res) => {
      console.log(res,'Promise Multiple execution')
    // 7.RxJS is executed multiple times
    let r2 = this.myserve.getRxjsDataInterval()
    r2.subscribe((res) => {
      console.log(res,'RxJS Multiple execution')

9.5,Angular6. Tool functions using RxJS before x

**Note: * * RxJS version after Angular6 is 6 x. If you want to be in Angular6 The method before x uses RxJS6 For some methods in version x, the RxJS compat module must be installed to use map and filter

After angular6, the official uses the new features of RxJS6, so the official gives a way to temporarily delay us from modifying rsjx code.

  • install
    • npm install rxjs-compat

9.6,Angular6. Rxjs6 after X Changes and use of X

Angular6. For use after X, you do not need to install rxjs compat

RxJS6 has changed the package structure, mainly in the import method and operator, and the use of pipe()

  • Introduction module

    • //Introduce modules into the components used
      // Introduce the map and filter tool module of RxJS
      import { map,filter } from 'rxjs/operators'
  • use

    •     // 8. Process the data through tools and methods
          let num = this.myserve.getRxjsNumInterval()
          // Using tool methods in pipe
          // filter returns the value that meets the condition
          // num.pipe(
          //   filter((item:any) =>{
          //     return item%2 == 0
          //   })
          // ).subscribe((res) => {
          //   console.log(res,'-----filter')
          // })
          // map is a variable, similar to that in ES5
          // num.pipe(
          //   map((item:any) => {
          //     return item * item
          //   })
          // ).subscribe((res) => {
          //   console.log(res,'-----map')
          // })
          // You can use multiple methods in a pipe
            filter((item:any) => {
              return item%2 ==0
            map((item) => {
              return item * item
          ).subscribe((res) => {
            console.log(res,'-----Combined use of multiple tools')

9.7 RxJS delayed execution

Implemented via throttleTime

import { throttleTime } from 'rxjs/operators'

let rxjsFn = this.myserve.getRxjsData()
).subscribe((res) => {

10, Data interaction

10.1. Angular comes with HttpClientModule

Angular5. The HttpClientModule module is used for get, post and server interaction after X

  • introduce

    • //On app moudle. The HttpClientModule module is introduced into ts and configured
      // HttpClientMidule module is introduced to realize data interaction
      import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http'
        declarations: [   //Configure the running components of the current project
        imports: [        //Configure other modules on which the current module depends
  • Import in component

    • //  The HttpClient module is introduced into the component, which can be borrowed as a service of the HttpClientModule module module
      import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
  • Declare services and use methods

    • export class NetworkComponent implements OnInit {
        // Claim service
        constructor(private myhttp:HttpClient) { }
        // get method
          let url = ''
          //HttpClicent returns an RxJS object. Call with subscribe
          this.myhttp.get(url).subscribe((res) => {
        // post submit data
          // Manually define request headers
          const myHttpOptions = {
            headers :new HttpHeaders({'Content-Type':'application/json'})
            // myHttpOptions
            ).subscribe((res) => {

10.2. Third party axios

  • install

    • npm install axios --save
  • introduce

    • It is recommended to introduce in the service file

    • // Introducing axios
      import axios from 'axios';
      export class AxiosService {
          // Return axios and call it externally then method
         return axios({
  • use

    • // Introduce services into required components
      import { AxiosService } from 'src/app/services/axios.service';
      export class AxiosComponent implements OnInit {
      // Claim service
        constructor(private myaxios:AxiosService) { }
        ngOnInit(): void {
        // Using axios in services
          this.myaxios.axiosGetData().then((res) => {

11, Routing

  • When creating a project, select Install route to create a new project containing route

  • If routing is not installed when creating the project, you can create a new app routing in the app directory module. TS routing profile

    • // Routing configuration module
      import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
      import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
      const routes: Routes = [];
        imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
        exports: [RouterModule]
      export class AppRoutingModule { }
  • And in app module. TS import and configure

    • //Import routing profile
      import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
        declarations: [ ... ],
        imports: [        //Configure other modules on which the current module depends
        providers: [ ... ],    //Configure the services required by the project
        bootstrap: [AppComponent]   
  • On app component. Add in HTML

    • <!-- amount to Vue Medium router-view label -->

11.1. Configure routing

  • Introduce the corresponding components in the routing file

    • // Routing configuration module
      import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
      import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';
      // Introduce components required for routing
      import { NewsComponent } from './components/news/news.component';
      import { TodolistComponent } from './components/todolist/todolist.component';
      // Configure routing
      const routes: Routes = [
          // route
          // Corresponding components
        // Redirection method I
        // {
        //   path:'',
        //   //Redirect
        //   redirectTo:'home',
        //   pathMatch:'full'
        // }
        // Redirection method 2
          // redirect
        imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
        exports: [RouterModule]
      export class AppRoutingModule { }

11.2 routing parameters

  • Configure routing

    •   // Dynamic routing value transmission
        // get pass parameter
        // {
        //   path:'router',
        //   component:RouterComponent
        // },
  • transmit

<!-- There are two ways to use get Value transmission -->

<!-- Method 1: dynamic routing -->
<a [routerLink]="[ '/router', 'I'm data' ]">Routing value---params</a>
<!-- Method 2 get method -->
<a [routerLink]="[ '/router']" [queryParams]="{myid:1,name:'Zhang San'}">Routing value---queryParams</a>
  • obtain

    • Introducing ActivatedRoute into a component

    • // Introducing the ActivatedRoute module
      import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
      export class RouterComponent implements OnInit {
      // Declare ActivatedRoute
        constructor(public myactiveroute:ActivatedRoute) { }
        ngOnInit(): void {
          console.log(this.myactiveroute,'Currently active route')
          //The return value is an RxJS object, which needs to be called with subscribe
          //Method 1
          this.myactiveroute.params.subscribe((res) =>  {
            console.log(res,'Routing parameters---params')
          //Method 2
          this.myactiveroute.queryParams.subscribe((res) =>  {
            console.log(res,'Routing parameters---queryParams')

11.3 event jump

  • Dynamic route and normal route jump
// Introducing Router
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
export class RoutermainComponent implements OnInit {
// statement
  constructor(public myrouter:Router) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    // Dynamic routing
    this.myrouter.navigate(['/router','I am dynamically routing data'])
    // General routing
  • get route jump
// Introducing Router
// The event jump get route also needs to introduce NavigationExtras
import { Router,NavigationExtras } from '@angular/router';

export class RoutermainComponent implements OnInit {
// statement
  constructor(public myrouter:Router) { }

    // Get route
    // Define the passed data and specify the type as NavigationExtras
    let myqureyData:NavigationExtras = {
        name:'Wow, ha ha',

11.4 nested routing

//Configure routing
<!-- Jump -->
<a [routerLink]="[ '/routermain/child' ]">To sub route</a>


Keywords: node.js angular

Added by neoform on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 05:52:14 +0200