Learn the concepts of TView and LView in Angular through one-step debugging

Problem descriptionCode locations covered in this article: https://github.com/wangzixi-d...Look at a group of parent components and child components:@Component({ selector: 'child', template: `<span>I am a child.</span>` }) export class ChildViewComponent {} @Component({ selector: 'parent', template: ` &l ...

Added by ozfred on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 06:12:15 +0200

Problems encountered when grouping options in ng select

In the compilation of resident choice components, my original idea was to achieve the effect like above, showing the name, telephone number, ID number of the residents, and grouping them according to the plot and building, but there were some bug in the group.When I get residents again, I get all residents first and then pass filter to obtain t ...

Added by rcmehta_14 on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 12:05:12 +0200

Quill rich text editor practice - DevUI

DevUI It is an open-source front-end solution for enterprise middle and back office products. It advocates the design values of immersion, flexibility and simplicity, advocates designers to serve the real needs and design for most people, and rejects the design that attracts the attention of the public. If you are developing tool products of To ...

Added by broomstick on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 06:36:00 +0200

Angular zone JS introduction

Maybe you've heard that Angular uses zone JS, but why should Angular use zone JS, what functions can it provide? Let's write a separate article today JS, about its role in the Angular framework will be described in the next article.What is Zone? The official document explains this: Zone is an execution context that spans multiple asynchronous t ...

Added by MA06 on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 04:49:22 +0200

Angular dependent testing and Fake

Testing and faking Angular dependencies Dependency injection is a key feature of Angular. This flexible approach makes it easier to isolate and test our declarable and class based services. The rockable tree dependency removes the indirect layer, the Angular module, but how do we test their rockable tree provider? We will test the value facto ...

Added by pvraja on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 07:41:19 +0200

Evolution history of Angular Universal

Imagine a scenario where you have been working on your Web project for several months, which is likely to be a Web application and, more specifically, a "single page application". But now it's time to deliver and publish your application to millions of users and... Search engines. In order for your application to succeed, it must be i ...

Added by seran128 on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 04:09:36 +0200

Summary of some problems encountered this week

Question 1: how to reference private librariesAt first, I thought that since node_modules are used to store the installed packages, so put @ yunzhi directly into the node_modules.After trying, it is found that although functions in the library can be used, when functions are directly referenced, the system does not automatically reference @yunz ...

Added by PlasmaDragon on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 16:58:52 +0200

angular self study notes

Angular 1, Preliminary start 1.1 INTRODUCTION Angualr is an open-source web front-end framework developed by Google. It was born in 2009, created by Misko Hevery and others, and later acquired by Google. Is an excellent front-end JS framework, which has been used in many Google products. According to the statistics of the number of projects ...

Added by neoform on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 05:52:14 +0200

Differences and uses of NG template, ng container and ng content of angular

ng-template Define a template - no rendering by default List rendering example - renderings html <div *ngFor="let person of persons;"> <div>full name: {{person.name}}</div> <!-- adopt ngTemplateOutlet Instruction output template Content of context You can pass data to the template, $implicit Is the default data -- ...

Added by SeaJones on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 05:43:58 +0200

Five schemes of transferring values between angularjs controllers

Transmission value between controllers 1. Pass values from parent scope to child scope -Broadcast: broadcast from parent scope to child scope -$on() capture events <button ng-click="$broadcast('MyEvent')">$broadcast('MyEvent')</button> 2. Pass values from child scope to parent scope -Emitted: emitted from child scope up ...

Added by rejoice on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:42:30 +0300