cadvisor+influxdb increases estab statistics

1. Requirement description:

cadvisor+influxdb+grafana is used for container monitoring and data display, and tcpstats related data are collected.

Turn off the default disable-metric at startup. The startup parameters are as follows:

command=/root/go/src/cadvisor/cadvisor -port=18080 -logtostderr=true -v=5 -enable_load_reader=true -storage_duration=15s -disable_metrics="" -docker_only=true -storage_driver=influxdb -storage_driver_db=influxdb -storage_driver_user=influxdb -storage_driver_password=influxdb -storage_driver_host=""

2. Problem Location

After startup, it is found that there is no tcpstat related value in the data written to influxdb. so view the source code as follows:

cat storage/influxdb/influxdb.go
 50 // Series names
 51 const (
 52     // Cumulative CPU usage
 53     serCpuUsageTotal  string = "cpu_usage_total"
 54     serCpuUsageSystem string = "cpu_usage_system"
 55     serCpuUsageUser   string = "cpu_usage_user"
 56     serCpuUsagePerCpu string = "cpu_usage_per_cpu"
 57     // Smoothed average of number of runnable threads x 1000.
 58     serLoadAverage string = "load_average"
 59     // Memory Usage
 60     serMemoryUsage string = "memory_usage"
 61     // Working set size
 62     serMemoryWorkingSet string = "memory_working_set"
 63     // Cumulative count of bytes received.
 64     serRxBytes string = "rx_bytes"
 65     // Cumulative count of receive errors encountered.
 66     serRxErrors string = "rx_errors"
 67     // Cumulative count of bytes transmitted.
 68     serTxBytes string = "tx_bytes"
 69     // Cumulative count of transmit errors encountered.
 70     serTxErrors string = "tx_errors"
 71     // Filesystem device.
 72     serFsDevice string = "fs_device"
 73     // Filesystem limit.
 74     serFsLimit string = "fs_limit"
 75     // Filesystem usage.
 76     serFsUsage string = "fs_usage"
 77 )
180 func (self *influxdbStorage) containerStatsToPoints(
181     cInfo *info.ContainerInfo,
182     stats *info.ContainerStats,
183 ) (points []*influxdb.Point) {
184     // CPU usage: Total usage in nanoseconds
185     points = append(points, makePoint(serCpuUsageTotal, stats.Cpu.Usage.Total))
187     // CPU usage: Time spend in system space (in nanoseconds)
188     points = append(points, makePoint(serCpuUsageSystem, stats.Cpu.Usage.System))
190     // CPU usage: Time spent in user space (in nanoseconds)
191     points = append(points, makePoint(serCpuUsageUser, stats.Cpu.Usage.User))
193     // CPU usage per CPU
194     for i := 0; i < len(stats.Cpu.Usage.PerCpu); i++ {
195         point := makePoint(serCpuUsagePerCpu, stats.Cpu.Usage.PerCpu[i])
196         tags := map[string]string{"instance": fmt.Sprintf("%v", i)}
197         addTagsToPoint(point, tags)
199         points = append(points, point)
200     }
202     // Load Average
203     points = append(points, makePoint(serLoadAverage, stats.Cpu.LoadAverage))
205     // Memory Usage
206     points = append(points, makePoint(serMemoryUsage, stats.Memory.Usage))
208     // Working Set Size
209     points = append(points, makePoint(serMemoryWorkingSet, stats.Memory.WorkingSet))
211     // Network Stats
212     points = append(points, makePoint(serRxBytes, stats.Network.RxBytes))
213     points = append(points, makePoint(serRxErrors, stats.Network.RxErrors))
214     points = append(points, makePoint(serTxBytes, stats.Network.TxBytes))
215     points = append(points, makePoint(serTxErrors, stats.Network.TxErrors))
216     self.tagPoints(cInfo, stats, points)
218     return points
219 }

The metric s of tcpstats are not collected in the source code into influxdb, so they need to be added manually.

3. Problem solving

Modify the original code and add the data you need to points.

vim storage/influxdb/influxdb.go 
 50 // Series names
 51 const (
 52     // Cumulative CPU usage
 53     serCpuUsageTotal  string = "cpu_usage_total"
 54     serCpuUsageSystem string = "cpu_usage_system"
 55     serCpuUsageUser   string = "cpu_usage_user"
 56     serCpuUsagePerCpu string = "cpu_usage_per_cpu"
 57     // Smoothed average of number of runnable threads x 1000.
 58     serLoadAverage string = "load_average"
 59     // Memory Usage
 60     serMemoryUsage string = "memory_usage"
 61     // Working set size
 62     serMemoryWorkingSet string = "memory_working_set"
 63     // Cumulative count of bytes received.
 64     serRxBytes string = "rx_bytes"
 65     // Cumulative count of receive errors encountered.
 66     serRxErrors string = "rx_errors"
 67     // Cumulative count of bytes transmitted.
 68     serTxBytes string = "tx_bytes"
 69     // Cumulative count of transmit errors encountered.
 70     serTxErrors string = "tx_errors"
 71     // Filesystem device.
 72     serFsDevice string = "fs_device"
 73     // Filesystem limit.
 74     serFsLimit string = "fs_limit"
 75     // Filesystem usage.
 76     serFsUsage string = "fs_usage"
 77     // Tcp Establisd count.
 78     serEsTabs string = "tcp_estab"
 79     // Tcp TimeWait count.
 80     serTimeWait string = "tcp_timewait"
 81     // Tcp CloseWait count.
 82     serCloseWait string = "tcp_closewait"
 83 )
180 func (self *influxdbStorage) containerStatsToPoints(
181     cInfo *info.ContainerInfo,
182     stats *info.ContainerStats,
183 ) (points []*influxdb.Point) {
184     // CPU usage: Total usage in nanoseconds
185     points = append(points, makePoint(serCpuUsageTotal, stats.Cpu.Usage.Total))
187     // CPU usage: Time spend in system space (in nanoseconds)
188     points = append(points, makePoint(serCpuUsageSystem, stats.Cpu.Usage.System))
190     // CPU usage: Time spent in user space (in nanoseconds)
191     points = append(points, makePoint(serCpuUsageUser, stats.Cpu.Usage.User))
193     // CPU usage per CPU
194     for i := 0; i < len(stats.Cpu.Usage.PerCpu); i++ {
195         point := makePoint(serCpuUsagePerCpu, stats.Cpu.Usage.PerCpu[i])
196         tags := map[string]string{"instance": fmt.Sprintf("%v", i)}
197         addTagsToPoint(point, tags)
199         points = append(points, point)
200     }
202     // Load Average
203     points = append(points, makePoint(serLoadAverage, stats.Cpu.LoadAverage))
205     // Memory Usage
206     points = append(points, makePoint(serMemoryUsage, stats.Memory.Usage))
208     // Working Set Size
209     points = append(points, makePoint(serMemoryWorkingSet, stats.Memory.WorkingSet))
211     // Network Stats
212     points = append(points, makePoint(serRxBytes, stats.Network.RxBytes))
213     points = append(points, makePoint(serRxErrors, stats.Network.RxErrors))
214     points = append(points, makePoint(serTxBytes, stats.Network.TxBytes))
215     points = append(points, makePoint(serTxErrors, stats.Network.TxErrors))
216     points = append(points, makePoint(serEsTabs, stats.Network.Tcp.Established))
217     points = append(points, makePoint(serTimeWait, stats.Network.Tcp.TimeWait))
218     points = append(points, makePoint(serCloseWait, stats.Network.Tcp.CloseWait))
220     self.tagPoints(cInfo, stats, points)
222     return points
223 }

4. Data validation:

The relevant code has been modified and submitted to my personal warehouse. It can be pulled directly to make build or downloaded directly to execute the binary file cadvisor_with_tcp.

Code Warehouse:

So far, the problem that cadvisor+influxdb cannot collect tcpEstab quantities has been solved.

Keywords: Linux InfluxDB network supervisor vim

Added by madmega on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 06:24:16 +0300