Simple use of supervisor

(1) supervisor installation (1) ubuntu installation: apt-get install supervisor (2) centos installation: yum install supervisor (3) pip installation: pip install supervisor ps: configuration file address: / etc / Supervisor / Supervisor Conf, the annotation in the configuration file is * *** Not# (2) Structure of supervisor Afte ...

Added by thegame261 on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:25:34 +0200

Python data analysis helps you clearly understand the efficiency and overall satisfaction of the employees

  preface The text and pictures of this article are from the Internet, only for learning and communication, and do not have any commercial use. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling. Project background 2018 is known as the winter year of the Internet. Companies, big and ...

Added by amar3d on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 09:51:49 +0300

Study and summary of Dahua design mode duty chain mode

1, Concept Responsibility chain pattern: allows multiple objects to process requests, thus avoiding the coupling between the sender and the receiver of the request. Join the object into a chain and pass the request along the chain until an object accepts it. 2, Class diagram and basic code //Interface for handling requests public abstra ...

Added by copernic67 on Tue, 05 May 2020 02:02:22 +0300

Build personal server based on centos7: Supervisor installation and deployment

introduce How to ensure the normal operation of services is the concern of programmers. You should know that after the development of the project, the deployment to the server will be abandoned, which is not the attitude you and I should have. When the service leaves abnormally in the middle of the ni ...

Added by alext on Sun, 19 Jan 2020 16:52:22 +0200

Blood case caused by poolboy max'overflow

problem This is an online problem. Under the condition of low qps(2000 database accesses per second), 100 worker processes and 100 Max ﹣ overflow processes, the performance of a service node suddenly declines, and only 1500 database accesses can be processed per second. As a result, the request processing delay increases from several ms to sev ...

Added by Hitch54 on Thu, 05 Dec 2019 01:25:51 +0200

Deploy your CRM program

Publish CRM You will use the following software nginx uWSGI CentOS7 CRM Project File virtualenv supervisor WSGI,uWSGI Pthon web server development uses WSGI protocol (Web Server Gateway Interface) The python web project generates a file by default, identifying the application module. The production environment uses uWSGI, implements ...

Added by siwelis on Sun, 10 Nov 2019 11:40:38 +0200

cadvisor+influxdb increases estab statistics

1. Requirement description: cadvisor+influxdb+grafana is used for container monitoring and data display, and tcpstats related data are collected. Turn off the default disable-metric at startup. The startup parameters are as follows: [program:cadvisor] command=/root/go/src/cadvisor/cadvisor -port=18080 -logtostderr=true -v=5 -enable_load_reader ...

Added by madmega on Mon, 07 Oct 2019 06:24:16 +0300

Tree DP (Dynamic Programming) Algorithms - Examples (Tree's Center of Gravity, Tree's Longest Distance...)

I. Introduction: Tree DP is the calculation of DP value on the data structure of the tree. Tree DP has two directions: leaf - > root, root - > leaf. Tree DP is implemented by memory search, so it is implemented by recursion. Time comp ...

Added by grafnic1732 on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 11:39:32 +0300

Using SWOOLE to implement process daemon

In the last article, "Using swoole to implement the daemon of processes (1)", we initially implemented a Daemon class that can automatically restart child processes.But one obvious disadvantage of this Daemon class is that it only supports the daemon of a single subprocess. Supporting multiple scripts In practice, there are usually mu ...

Added by foochuck on Sun, 11 Aug 2019 18:12:00 +0300

jstorm Advanced-ack Mechanism and KafkaSpout

Installation Deployment Use Please refer to another article of mine jstorm deployment and use ack mechanism ack mechanism principle Instead of saying what ack s are, you can refer to the documentation on the official website Ack mechanism We just need to know how it works using xor: A xor A = 0 A xor B xor B xor A = 0 Use ack mechanism To use t ...

Added by bruceg on Sun, 07 Jul 2019 20:39:57 +0300