1, Introduction to VGA and AN430
VGA(Video Graphics Array) is a video transmission standard launched by IBM with PS/2 machine in 1987. At that time, it had the advantages of high resolution, fast display speed and rich colors, and was widely used in the field of color display.
VGA interface is the interface that outputs analog signals on the graphics card, also known as D-Sub interface. VGA interface is a kind of D-port. There are 15 empty pins on it, which is divided into three rows with five in each row. VGA interface is the mainstream port in the configuration of medium and low-end computers. The physical drawing is as follows:
R. G, B data signals, interfaces corresponding to HS and VS control signals.
The display adopts raster scanning mode, that is, the electron beam bombarding the fluorescent screen moves regularly from left to right (controlled by horizontal synchronization signal HSYNC) and from top to bottom (controlled by vertical synchronization signal VSYNC) on the CRT screen. The electron beam adopts grating scanning mode, starting from a point in the upper left corner of the screen and scanning point by point to the right to form a horizontal line; After reaching the rightmost end, return to the left end of the next horizontal line and repeat the above process; When the electron beam completes the scanning at the lower right corner, a frame is formed. After that, the electron beam returns to the upper left starting point and starts the scanning of the next frame. This method is often called progressive scanning display.
Scanning frequency
The time to complete a line scanning is called the horizontal scanning time, and its reciprocal is called the line frequency; The time to complete a frame (whole screen) scanning is called the vertical scanning time, and its reciprocal is called the field frequency, that is, the frequency of refreshing a screen, commonly 60Hz, 75Hz and so on. The field frequency of standard VGA display is 60Hz.
Both line timing and field timing require four parts: synchronization pulse (Sync a), Back porch b, Display interval c and Front porch d. VGA industrial standard display mode requirements: line synchronization and field synchronization are negative, that is, the synchronization pulse is required to be negative pulse.
2, Code
//-----------------------------------------------------------// // Setting of horizontal scanning parameters 480*272 60Hz LCD //-----------------------------------------------------------// `define H_SYNC 41 //Line sync pulse (Sync a) `define H_BP 2 //Show Back porch b `define H_ACTIV 480 //Display interval c `define H_FP 2 //Show Front porch d `define H_TOTAL 525 //The number of line cycles is 525 pixel cycles in total `define H_VLD0 43 //Valid display column the first column displays data `define H_VLD1 523 //Valid display column the last column displays data //-----------------------------------------------------------// // Setting of vertical scanning parameters 480*272 60Hz LCD //-----------------------------------------------------------// `define V_SYNC 10 //Column synchronization pulse (Sync o) `define V_BP 2 //Show Back porch p `define V_ACTIV 272 //Display interval q `define V_FP 2 //Show Front porch r `define V_TOTAL 286 //The number of column cycles is 286 rows in total `define V_VLD0 12 //First row of valid display area `define V_VLD1 284 //Last row of valid display area //Color definition `define COLOR_R 16'b11111_000000_00000 `define COLOR_G 16'b00000_111111_00000 `define COLOR_B 16'b00000_000000_11111 `define COLOR_P 16'b10110_010111_01001 `define COLOR_PU 47802 `define COLOR_PA 65402 `define COLOR_BL 16'b00000_000000_00000 `define COLOR_W 65535
module lcd_test( input clk , input rst_n , output [7:0] lcd_r , output [7:0] lcd_g , output [7:0] lcd_b , output lcd_clk , output lcd_vsync , output lcd_hsync , output lcd_de ); //Parameter definition //Intermediate signal definition pll0 pll0_inst ( .areset (!rst_n ), .inclk0 ( clk ), .c0 ( lcd_clk ), //.locked (1'b1 ) ); lcd_driver u_lcd_driver ( /*input */.clk (lcd_clk ), /*input */.rst_n (rst_n ), /*output [7:0] */.lcd_r (lcd_r ), /*output [7:0] */.lcd_g (lcd_g ), /*output [7:0] */.lcd_b (lcd_b ), /*output */.lcd_vsync (lcd_vsync ), /*output */.lcd_hsync (lcd_hsync ), /*output */.lcd_de (lcd_de ) ); endmodule
`include "param.v" module lcd_driver ( input clk , input rst_n , output [7:0] lcd_r , output [7:0] lcd_g , output [7:0] lcd_b , output lcd_clk , output lcd_vsync , output lcd_hsync , output lcd_de ); //Intermediate signal definition reg [9:0] cnt_h ; wire add_cnt_h ; wire end_cnt_h ; reg [9:0] cnt_v ; wire add_cnt_v ; wire end_cnt_v ; wire h_vld ; wire v_vld ; reg [15:0] data_rgb ; //Counter always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begin cnt_h <= 0; end else if(add_cnt_h)begin if(end_cnt_h)begin cnt_h <= 0; end else begin cnt_h <= cnt_h + 1; end end else begin cnt_h <= cnt_h; end end assign add_cnt_h = 1'b1; assign end_cnt_h = add_cnt_h && cnt_h == `H_TOTAL-1; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begin cnt_v <= 0; end else if(add_cnt_v)begin if(end_cnt_v)begin cnt_v <= 0; end else begin cnt_v <= cnt_v + 1; end end else begin cnt_v <= cnt_v; end end assign add_cnt_v = end_cnt_h; assign end_cnt_v = add_cnt_v && cnt_v == `V_TOTAL; assign h_vld = (cnt_h >= `H_VLD0) & (cnt_h <= `H_VLD1); assign v_vld = (cnt_v >= `V_VLD0) & (cnt_v <= `V_VLD1); assign lcd_de = h_vld & v_vld; //data_rgb always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(!rst_n)begin data_rgb <= 16'b0; end else if(cnt_h >= 43 && cnt_h <=103 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_R; end else if(cnt_h >= 104 && cnt_h <=164 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_PU; end else if(cnt_h >= 165 && cnt_h <=225 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_B; end else if(cnt_h >= 226 && cnt_h <=286 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_P; end else if(cnt_h >= 287 && cnt_h <=348 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_G; end else if(cnt_h >= 349 && cnt_h <=409 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_PA; end else if(cnt_h >= 410 && cnt_h <=470 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_BL; end else if(cnt_h >= 471 )begin data_rgb <= `COLOR_W; end else begin data_rgb <= data_rgb; end end assign lcd_r = (h_vld & v_vld) ? {data_rgb[15:11],3'd0}:0; assign lcd_g = (h_vld & v_vld) ? {data_rgb[10:5],2'd0}:0; assign lcd_b = (h_vld & v_vld) ? {data_rgb[4:0],3'd0}:0; assign lcd_vsync = cnt_v >= `V_SYNC; assign lcd_hsync = cnt_h >= `H_SYNC; endmodule