1. Requirement Description
Statistics Silicon Valley video and video website general indicators, various TopN indicators:
- Count Video Views Top10
- Statistics Video Category Heat Top10
- Statistics Video Views Top20 Categories
- Statistical Video Views Rank of the Category of Video Associated with Top50
- Count video heat Top10 in each category
- Count video views per category Top10
2. Data structure
3. Preparations
(1) Create external tables: video s table, user table
#video table create external table video_ori( videoId string, uploader string, age int, category array<string>, length int, views int, rate float, ratings int, comments int, relatedId array<string>) row format delimited fields terminated by "\t" collection items terminated by "&" location '/mario/hive/9/video'; #user table create external table user_ori( uploader string, videos int, friends int) row format delimited fields terminated by "\t" location '/mario/hive/9/user';
(2) Then set up the internal table: video_orc table, user_orc table
#video_orc table create table video_orc( videoId string, uploader string, age int, category array<string>, length int, views int, rate float, ratings int, comments int, relatedId array<string>) stored as orc tblproperties("orc.compress"="SNAPPY"); #user_orc table create table user_orc( uploader string, videos int, friends int) stored as orc tblproperties("orc.compress"="SNAPPY");
(3) Inserting data into ORC tables
insert into table video_orc select * from video_ori; insert into table user_orc select * from user_ori;
4. Business Analysis
4.1 Statistics Video Views Top10
Use order by to sort globally by the views field, and we set the display to show only the first 10 entries
Final Code:
SELECT videoid, views FROM video_orc ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 10;
4.2 Statistics Video Category Heat Top10
(1) Define video category warmth (assuming the number of videos in a category)
(2) We need to aggregate by category group by and then count the number of videoId s in the group.
(3) Because the current table structure is: one video corresponds to one or more categories. So if you want a group by category, you need to first row by column (expand) the category, then count it [t1]
SELECT videoid, cate FROM video_orc LATERAL VIEW explode(category) tbl AS cate;
(4) counting how many videos there are in each category, showing the top 10 categories that contain the most videos
SELECT cate, COUNT(videoid) n FROM t1 GROUP BY cate ORDER BY n DESC LIMIT 10;
Final Code:
SELECT cate, COUNT(videoid) n FROM ( SELECT videoid, cate FROM video_orc LATERAL VIEW explode(category) tbl AS cate) t1 GROUP BY cate ORDER BY n DESC LIMIT 10;
4.3 Count the top 20 video categories and the number of Top20 videos in each category
(1) First find all the information about the entries of the 20 most viewed videos, in descending order [t1]
SELECT videoid, views, category FROM video_orc ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 20;
(2) Split the category of the 20 pieces of information [t2]
SELECT videoid, cate FROM t1 LATERAL VIEW explode(category) tbl AS cate;
(3) Final query for video category name and how many Top20 videos are under that category
SELECT cate, COUNT(videoid) n FROM t2 GROUP BY cate ORDER BY n DESC;
Final Code:
SELECT cate, COUNT(videoid) n FROM ( SELECT videoid, cate FROM ( SELECT videoid, views, category FROM video_orc ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 20) t1 LATERAL VIEW explode(category) tbl AS cate) t2 GROUP BY cate ORDER BY n DESC;
4.4 Statistics Video Watches Order of Categories of Videos Associated with Top50
(1) Count the Related videos of the top 50 videos [t1]
SELECT videoid, views, relatedid FROM video_orc ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 50;
(2) explosion switch video [t2]
SELECT explode(relatedid) videoid FROM t1;
(3) Categories of associated videos obtained by Join from the original table [t3]
SELECT DISTINCT t2.videoid, v.category FROM t2 JOIN video_orc v ON t2.videoid = v.videoid;
(4) Explode category [t4]
SELECT explode(category) cate FROM t3;
(5) Category thermometer [t5]
SELECT cate, COUNT(videoid) n FROM (SELECT videoid, cate FROM video_orc LATERAL VIEW explode(category) tbl AS cate) g1 GROUP BY cate
(6) Join sorting with category thermometer [t5]
SELECT DISTINCT t4.cate, t5.n FROM t4 JOIN t5 ON t4.cate = t5.cate ORDER BY t5.n DESC;
Final Code:
SELECT DISTINCT t4.cate, t5.n FROM ( SELECT explode(category) cate FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT t2.videoid, v.category FROM ( SELECT explode(relatedid) videoid FROM ( SELECT videoid, views, relatedid FROM video_orc ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 50) t1) t2 JOIN video_orc v ON t2.videoid = v.videoid) t3) t4 JOIN ( SELECT cate, COUNT(videoid) n FROM ( SELECT videoid, cate FROM video_orc LATERAL VIEW explode(category) tbl AS cate) g1 GROUP BY cate) t5 ON t4.cate = t5.cate ORDER BY t5.n DESC;
4.5 Count video heat Top10 in each category, take Music for example
(1) If you want to count Top10 video heat in the Music category, you need to find the Music category first, then you need to expand the category, so you can create a table to store the data of the categoryId expansion.
create table video_category( videoId string, uploader string, age int, categoryId string, length int, views int, rate float, ratings int, comments int, relatedId array<string>) row format delimited fields terminated by "\t" collection items terminated by "&" stored as orc;
(2) Insert data into a category-expanded table.
INSERT INTO TABLE video_category SELECT videoId, uploader, age, categoryId, LENGTH, views, rate, ratings, comments, relatedId FROM video_orc LATERAL VIEW explode(category) catetory AS categoryId;
(3) Statistics of video heat in corresponding categories (Music).
SELECT videoid, views FROM video_category WHERE cate ="Music" ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 10;
Final Code:
SELECT videoId, views FROM gulivideo_category WHERE categoryId = "Music" ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 10;
4.6 Count video views per category Top10
From Video_ Catgory directly queries the top 10 videos of Music traffic
Final Code:
SELECT cate, videoid, views FROM ( SELECT cate, videoid, views, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY cate ORDER BY views DESC) hot FROM video_category) t1 WHERE hot <= 10;
4.7 Count Top10 users who uploaded the most videos and the videos they uploaded in the top 20
4.7.1 Top 10 users Top 20 per person
(1) Statistics of Top10 [t1] users who upload most videos
SELECT uploader, videos FROM user_orc ORDER BY videos DESC LIMIT 10;
(2) and video_orc works together to find videos uploaded by these users and rank them by heat [t2]
SELECT t1.uploader, v.videoid, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY t1.uploader ORDER BY v.views DESC) hot FROM t1 LEFT JOIN video_orc v ON t1.uploader = v.uploader;
(3) Ask each person for the first 20
SELECT t2.uploader, t2.videoid, t2.hot FROM t2 WHERE hot <= 20;
4.7.2 Top 20 of Top 10 Users
(1) Statistics of Top10 users who upload most videos
SELECT uploader, videos FROM user_orc ORDER BY videos DESC LIMIT 10;
(2) Watch the top 20 videos
SELECT videoid, uploader, views FROM video_orc ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 20;
(3) Join two tables to see if they have uploaded
SELECT t1.uploader, t2.videoid FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t1.uploader = t2.uploader;
4.8 Count video views per category Top10
(1) From video_category table to find the ranking of video views per category
SELECT cate, videoid, views, RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY cate ORDER BY views DESC) hot FROM video_category;
(2) Take Top10 for each category
SELECT cate, videoid, views FROM t1 WHERE hot <= 10;