Flink tutorial (25) - Flink advanced features (FlinkSQL integration Hive)

01 introduction In the previous blog, we learned Flink's File Sink. Interested students can refer to the following: Flink tutorial (01) - Flink knowledge mapFlink tutorial (02) - getting started with FlinkFlink tutorial (03) - Flink environment constructionFlink tutorial (04) - getting started with FlinkFlink tutorial (05) - simple analys ...

Added by !Mikey on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:29:25 +0200

Hive window function Over partition by

-Catalogue 1. Aggregate function + over2. partition by clause3. order by clause4. ★ window clause (included) - predicting: forward - FOLLOWING: backward - CURRENT ROW: CURRENT ROW - UNBOUNDED: starting point5. ★ sequence function in window function: including NTILE(n), row_number,rank,dense_rank   brief introduction The hive function in this ...

Added by BigTime on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 23:46:16 +0200

Hive explain implementation plan

Hive explain implementation plan   hive provides the EXPLAIN command to show the execution plan of a query. This execution plan is very helpful for us to understand the underlying principle, hive tuning, troubleshooting data skew, etc The syntax used is as follows: EXPLAIN [EXTENDED | DEPENDENCY | AUTHORIZATION | ANALYZE] query explain can ...

Added by freeheader on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:55:19 +0200

Graphic big data | practical operation case Hive construction and application case

Author: [Han Xinzi]( https://github.com/HanXinzi-AI)@[ShowMeAI](http://www.showmeai.tech/ ) [tutorial address]( http://www.showmeai.tech/tutorials/84): http://www.showmeai.tech/tutorials/84 [address of this article]( http://www.showmeai.tech/article-detail/171): http://www.showmeai.tech/article-detail/171 Notice: All Rights Reserved. Plea ...

Added by Rupo on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 12:35:20 +0200

Hive configuration update and delete data operations

Hive supports transaction and row level updates from version 0.14, but it is not supported by default. Some additional configurations are required. To support row level insert, update and delete, hive support transactions need to be configured. 1, Hive has the use scenario of ACID semantic transaction 1. Stream data. Many users use tools such ...

Added by ibo on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:11:06 +0200

hive small case - Comprehensive windowing function, judgment statement, date conversion, time mean calculation

What needs to be done: a full scale to calculate the average start and end time of the task in seven days 1, Introduction data The data table is a full synchronization table. The partition is based on the date. It contains the start time, end time, total seconds of start time (total seconds to the early morning), and total seconds of end ...

Added by quicknik on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 16:58:37 +0200

Summary of Hive built stepping pits under windows

preface: Hive is a data warehouse tool based on Hadoop, which operates Hadoop data warehouse (HDFS, etc.) with a kind of SQL HQL statement. Therefore, Hadoop needs to be built before installing local windows. The previous article has roughly introduced the environment construction and pit stepping summary, so here is still only the basic insta ...

Added by Ben Cleary on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 03:58:02 +0200

Big data tool Hive (basic)

1, Definition of HIVE Hive is a data warehouse tool based on Hadoop, which can map structured data files into a data table, and can read, write and manage data files in a way similar to SQL. This Hive SQL is abbreviated as HQL. Hive's execution engines can be MR, Spark and Tez. essence The essence of Hive is to convert HQL into MapReduce task ...

Added by gwood_25 on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 20:55:12 +0200

Hive reading guide

First, build Hive programming environment, Click me to check! Chapter 2 basic operation 2.7 command line interface 2.7.1 CLI options hive --help -- see cli Service usage help hive --service cli --help 2.7.2 variables and attributes -- Display variables and attributes in all namespaces above set; -- Display variables and attributes ...

Added by phpbrat on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 02:54:20 +0200

Hive basics 02

1, Hive table structure Format for creating table: CREATE [TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] [db_name.]table_name ( col1Name col1Type [COMMENT col_comment], co21Name col2Type [COMMENT col_comment], co31Name col3Type [COMMENT col_comment], co41Name col4Type [COMMENT col_comment], co51Name col5Type [COMMENT col_com ...

Added by phpnow on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 01:43:43 +0200