Otsu threshold
Otsu threshold, also known as the maximum variance threshold, was proposed by Otsu zhanzhi of Japan in 1979. It is derived based on the principle of discrimination and least square method. Its basic idea is to maximize the variance between classes, so as to obtain the optimal threshold.
Algorithm flow
Make {0,1,2... L-1} Represents a picture with the size of M × N
L in pixel digital image
Different gray levels, ni
Indicates that the gray level is i
The total number of pixels in the image is MN=n0+n1 + × nL-1
. The normalized histogram has a component pi=ni/MN
, thus
i=0L-1 pi=1,pi≥0
Now, suppose you choose a threshold T (k) = k, 0 < K < L-1 And use it to thresholde the input image into two types C1
And C2
Where C1
From the gray value in the image in the interval [0, k]
All pixels in the, C2
From the gray value in the interval [k+1, L-1]
Consists of all pixels in the. With this threshold, pixels are classified into Class C1
Probability P1(k) in
Given by the cumulative sum of:
P1k=i=0k pi
To put it another way, this is Class C1 Probability of occurrence. Similarly, class C2
The probability of occurrence is:
P2k=j=k+1L-1 pi=1-P1k
Assign to Class C1 The average gray value of is:
m1k=i=0k iPiC1=1P1ki=0k ipi
Similarly, assign to class C2 The average gray value of is:
m2k=i=k+1L-1 iPiC2=1P2ki=k+1L-1 ipi
The cumulative mean (average gray level) to the k-th level is given by the following formula:
mk=i=0k ipi
The average gray level of the whole image is given by the following formula:
mG=i=0L-1 ipi
In order to evaluate the segmentation quality of the selected threshold, the inter class variance is defined σ two For:
The above formula can be simplified as:
It can be seen from the above formula that the inter class variance of different threshold k is calculated σ two , just calculate m and P1
Two parameters. In order to obtain the optimal threshold k*
, from {0,1,2... L-1}
Select different k to calculate the variance between classes σ two
, when σ two
The k obtained at the maximum is the maximum variance threshold.
Flow chart representation
It can be seen from the figure that after Otsu threshold segmentation, basically two parts can be obtained, and the part of the moon can be extracted from the picture. It can quickly and effectively find the segmentation threshold between classes, but its disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it can only be segmented for a single target, or the interested targets belong to the same gray range.
clear; clc; I=rgb2gray(imread('moon.jpg')); subplot(1, 2, 1) imshow(I); xlabel('(a) original image '); % level = graythresh(I); %use MATLAB Function calculation threshold % BW = im2bw(I, level); % subplot(1, 3, 2) % imshow(BW); % xlabel('(b) graythresh'); % disp(['graythresh Calculate gray threshold:', num2str(level*255)]); T = Otsu(double(I)); %The threshold was calculated using the Otsu method disp(['Calculation of gray threshold by Otsu method:', num2str(T)]) BW = im2bw(I, T/255); %Threshold segmentation subplot(1, 2, 2) imshow(BW); xlabel('(c) Otsu '); function ThreshValue = Otsu(Imag) % Otsu method calculation threshold % Input: % Imag: Two dimensional array, numerical value represents gray level; % Output: % ThreshValue: threshold iMax = max(Imag(:)); % Maximum iMin = min(Imag(:)); % minimum value T = iMin:iMax; % Gray value range Tval = zeros(size(T)); % variance [iRow, iCol] = size(Imag); % Data dimension size imagSize = iRow*iCol; % Number of pixels % Traverse the gray value and calculate the variance for i = 1 : length(T) TK = T(i); iFg = 0; % prospect iBg = 0; % background FgSum = 0; % Total prospects BgSum = 0; % Total background for j = 1 : iRow for k = 1 : iCol temp = Imag(j, k); if temp > TK iFg = iFg + 1; % Foreground pixel statistics FgSum = FgSum + temp; else iBg = iBg + 1; % Background pixel statistics BgSum = BgSum + temp; end end end w0 = iFg/imagSize; % Foreground proportion w1 = iBg/imagSize; % Background proportion u0 = FgSum/iFg; % Foreground gray average u1 = BgSum/iBg; % Background gray average Tval(i) = w0*w1*(u0 - u1)*(u0 - u1); % Calculate variance end [~, flag] = max(Tval); % Maximum subscript ThreshValue = T(flag); end