python binocular vision calibration and 3D reconstruction

python double target localization and reconstruction As mentioned above: a course assignment of machine vision is to collect a group of binocular images and complete the relevant processes of stereo vision: including camera calibration (internal and external parameters), distortion correction, basic matrix estimation, parallax map calculation ...

Added by josephferris on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:56:14 +0200

iOS uses Metal to realize filter and dynamic filter

preface Harbeth It is a small part of utilities and extensions on Apple's Metal framework, which is committed to making your Swift GPU code more concise and allowing you to build pipeline prototypes faster. This paper introduces and designs the filter based on GPU, graphics processing and filter making 👒👒👒 Function list 🟣 At present, Met ...

Added by mkr on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 12:16:10 +0200

[expression recognition] facial expression recognition based on sparse representation feature template matching algorithm, including Matlab source code

1 Introduction With the development of pattern recognition, image processing and machine learning, fast and effective automatic recognition and verification technology has attracted extensive attention because of its great theoretical and practical application value. As an important verification means in biometrics, face recognition has achiev ...

Added by bidntrade on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:58:53 +0200

[learning OpenCV4] detailed explanation of watershed algorithm

The content shared in this article comes from the book "learning OpenCV 4: Python based algorithm practice", which is as follows: Chapter 1 OpenCV Quick start; Chapter 2 image reading and writing module imgcodecsï¼› Chapter 3 core library module coreï¼› Chapter 4 image processing module imgproc(1) (a); Chapter 5 image processing module ...

Added by coverman on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 14:45:12 +0200

Principal component analysis and its application in face recognition

Recently, I was studying Turing textbook by myself< Python Basic course of machine learning ", take some notes in the form of blog on csdn. We may have many purposes in using unsupervised learning for data transformation. The most common purpose is to visualize, compress data, and find a more informative data representation for further ...

Added by jateeq on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 13:47:38 +0200

[image encryption] Based on matlab GUI orthogonal Latin square + two-dimensional Arnold scrambling image encryption [including Matlab source code 813]

1, Introduction 1 purpose of digital image scrambling So far, the more mature information hiding algorithms basically take the image as the carrier. Image scrambling, as the name suggests, is to disrupt the image and hide the real content of the original image. Digital image scrambling is similar to the idea of information file encryption. It ...

Added by shoppingspree on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:05:05 +0200

[image recognition] realize facial dynamic features and facial expression recognition based on support vector machine algorithm svm, with matlab code

1 Introduction Facial expression recognition technology involves the research fields of emotion computing, image processing, machine vision, pattern recognition, biometric recognition and so on This paper introduces a facial expression recognition technology based on lpq feature and support vector machine (SVM) In this experiment, SVM (suppor ...

Added by RichterBelmont on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 16:50:43 +0200

Two image enhancement methods: image point operation and image grayscale processing

Abstract: This paper mainly explains the grayscale processing of image point operation, introduces the common grayscale processing methods in detail, and shares the mutual conversion of image color space and the implementation of three grayscale conversion algorithms. This article is shared from Huawei cloud community< [Python from zero t ...

Added by Svoboda on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 12:04:24 +0200

Video streaming with flash

Video streaming with flash Flash video stream Streaming -- streaming It enables flash applications to effectively break large responses into small pieces over a long period of time. To illustrate this topic, I'll show you how to build a real-time video streaming server!   What is Streaming? (what is streaming media?) Streaming is a ...

Added by biffjo on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 15:59:50 +0200

youcans OpenCV learning course - 9 Frequency domain image filtering

youcans OpenCV learning course - 8 Frequency domain image filtering (Part 2) This series is for Python Xiaobai and explains the actual combat of OpenCV project from scratch. Image filtering is a common image preprocessing operation to suppress the noise of the target image while preserving the detailed features of the image as much as possible ...

Added by johncollins on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 15:24:05 +0200