Call by binding variables in the command window, and the related steps
Define a function to calculate the average salary of a department in the emp table.
Write a function, pass in the employee number and return the name of the Department
Write a function to query the annual income of an employee, including bonus
Create a process to raise 100 yuan for the designated employee. And output the wages before and after the rise.
create or replace procedure my(eno emp.empno%type) is p_sal emp.sal%type; begin select sal into p_sal from emp where empno=eno; update emp set sal=sal+100 where empno=eno; dbms_output.put_line('The salary before the change is:'||p_sal||'The revised salary is:'||(p_sal+100)); end; exec my(7369);
Query the name and salary of the specified employee, and use the out mode parameter value to pass it to the caller.
create or replace procedure my(eno emp.empno%type,p_name out emp.ename%type,p_sal out emp.sal%type) is begin select ename,sal into p_name,p_sal from emp where empno=eno; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No employees'); end; declare eno emp.empno%type; p_name emp.ename%type; p_sal emp.sal%type; begin my(7788,p_name,p_sal); dbms_output.put_line(p_name||' '||p_sal); end;
Call by binding variables in the command window, and the related steps
var v_name varchar2(10); var v_sal number; exec my(7369,:v_name,:v_sal); print v_name v_sal; select :v_name,:v_sal from dual;
Create a stored procedure, query the name of the superior leader of the employee according to the provided employee number, and return
create or replace procedure mya(eno emp.empno%type,pname out emp.ename%type) is mgrs emp.mgr%type; begin select mgr into mgrs from emp where empno=eno; select ename into pname from emp where empno=mgrs; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('No employees'); end; declare eno emp.empno%type; sname emp.ename%type; begin mya(7369,sname); dbms_output.put_line(sname); end;
Define a function to calculate the average salary of a department in the emp table.
create or replace function get_avg(dno emp.deptno%type) return number is getavg emp.sal%type; begin select avg(sal) into getavg from emp where deptno=dno; return getavg; end; select get_avg(10) average value from dual;
Write a function, pass in the employee number and return the name of the Department
create or replace function getname(eno emp.empno%type) return varchar is d_name dept.dname%type; begin select dname into d_name from dept where deptno=(select deptno from emp where empno=eno); return d_name; end; select getname(7369) from dual;
Write a function to query the annual income of an employee, including bonus
create or replace function getsum(eno emp.empno%type) return number is getsum emp.sal%type; begin select sum(nvl(sal+comm,sal))*12 into getsum from emp where empno=eno; return getsum; end; select getsum(7369) from dual;
Define a function, enter a department number, and query the total number of employees in the Department.
create or replace function sums(dno emp.deptno%type) return number is counts emp.empno%type; begin select count(*) into counts from emp where deptno=dno; return counts; end; select sums(20) from dual;
Define a function, use the record type as the return type, and return the corresponding department information according to the specified Department number