Inheritance, derivation and container of C + + language

This is the author's note when learning C + + language on March 7, 2022. If it helps you, the author will be honored! If you find the author's mistake, I am also very happy to communicate with you! At the beginning of the class, LDM teacher reviewed the concept of reference in C + + and used a lowercase to uppercase program as an example. voi ...

Added by wes007 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 17:57:53 +0200

3 minutes, learn a little knowledge of Lambda

♥ Previous remarks Remember the little knowledge of Lambda introduced to you before? Today, let's introduce the key points of flow API. Stream API Stream is the key abstract concept of dealing with collections in Java 8. It can specify your of collections and perform data operations such as finding, filtering and mapping. Stream us ...

Added by nivek9991 on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 09:48:48 +0200

Part of the spring of 22

Bamboo cloud technology has one, two and three aspects: What are the potential safety hazards of the project (I see that I have more safety development, which extends to) enterprises or services? (I answered external hacker attacks, loopholes and social workers' disclosure; it is concluded that the internal hidden dangers are greater) - " ...

Added by damic on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 08:56:35 +0200

Excel processing control spire Answers to XLS hot questions

To facilitate users to quickly master and understand spire Xls, the following small series summarizes and arranges a series of common problems in the trial process of probationers, hoping to help you! ---------------<<Spire. Download the latest version of xls>>  (1) How do I add an image to Excel? A: please call the Add method to ...

Added by simun on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 05:17:11 +0200

Common basic problem sets and notes of SQL database

catalogue object Problem set: --01 list the names of all departments with at least 3 employees --02 list all employees whose salary is more than 'SMITH'. A sub query is used here (that is, the sub query of SMITH's salary) --03 list the names of all employees and their immediate supervisors --04 list employees whose employment date is earl ...

Added by swatisonee on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 11:30:32 +0200

Flink Sql With 1.14 query - window functions (TVFs)

Streaming media Windows is the core of handling infinite streams. Windows divides streams into "buckets" of limited size, on which we can apply calculations. This document focuses on how to perform windowing in Flink SQL and how programmers can get the most from the functions they provide. Apache Flink provides several window table ...

Added by mattsutton on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 18:08:35 +0200

DOM and BOM of JavaScript objects

preface This article briefly introduces the BOM object and DOM object of JavaScript, as well as the related methods and usage. catalogue 1, DOM object simple learning 2, Events 2.1 simple learning of events 2.2. Event monitoring mechanism         Case: bulb switch: 3, BOM object 3.1. BOM object concept: 3.2 composition         Case: ...

Added by corbin on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 14:44:16 +0200

#{} how to prevent SQL injection? What is its underlying principle?

1, The difference between ${} and #{} in MyBatis 1.1 ${} and #{} presentations Database data: dao interface: List<User> findByUsername(String username); List<User> findByUsername2(String username); Mapper.xml: <!-- use#{} --> <select id="findByUsername" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="com.lscl.entity ...

Added by samuraitux on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 08:00:16 +0200

De duplication of generics, ArrayList, LinkedList and LinkedList

catalogue generic paradigm Generic mechanism Characteristics of generics Generic class generic interface ArrayList ArrayList stores strings and iterates through them ArrayList stores custom objects and traverses them Unique functions of Vector Implementation of the unique function of Vector Unique features of LinkedList Implement ...

Added by stenk on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 06:48:47 +0200

Summary of new features of EF Core 6

In this article, I will focus on the enhancement of LINQ query function in EF Core 6. This is the third article in the summary of new features of EF Core 6: Summary of new functions of EF Core 6 (I) Summary of new functions of EF Core 6 (II)​​​​​​​ Summary of new functions of EF Core 6 (III) 1. Better support for GroupBy query EF Core 6. ...

Added by temidayo on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 14:39:13 +0200