Saving image data for image management

Save picture data

Before saving the data, we need to obtain the id of the sku associated with the picture

1. Get sku table id

Interface analysis

Request method: GET / meiduo_admin/skus/simple/

# -------Get the id of sku--------
    url(r'skus/simple/$', images.ImageView.as_view({'get': 'simple'})),

Request parameters: pass jwt token data through the request header.

Return data: JSON

            "id": 1,
            "name": "Apple MacBook Pro 13.3 Inch notebook Silver"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Apple MacBook Pro 13.3 Inch notebook dark gray"
Return valuetypeIs it necessaryexplain
Idintyessku item id
namearrayyesSku trade name

Backend implementation

from rest_framework.permissions import IsAdminUser
from rest_framework.viewsets import ModelViewSet
from meiduo_admin.serializers.images import ImageSeriazlier, SKUSeriazlier
from goods.models import SKUImage, SKU
from meiduo_admin.utils import UserPageNum
from rest_framework.response import Response

class ImageView(ModelViewSet):
    # Picture serializer
    serializer_class = ImageSeriazlier
    # Picture query set
    queryset = SKUImage.objects.all()
    # paging
    pagination_class = UserPageNum

    permission_classes = [IsAdminUser]
    #  Get sku product information
    def simple(self, request):
        #  Query all sku items
        data = SKU.objects.all()
        #  Serialization operation return
        ser = SKUSeriazlier(data, many=True)
        return Response(

Definition of serializer

from goods.models import SKU

class SKUSeriazlier(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:

2. Save picture data

Interface analysis

Request method: POST / meiduo_admin/skus/images/

#  Picture query routing****************************
router = DefaultRouter()
router.register('skus/images', images.ImageView, base_name='images')
# print(router.urls)
urlpatterns += router.urls

Request parameters: pass jwt token data through the request header.

Form submission data:
        "sku": "SKU commodity id",
        "image": "SKU Product picture"
parametertypeIs it necessaryexplain
skustryesSKU item id
imageFielyesSKU product picture

Return data: JSON

        "id": "picture id",
        "sku": "SKU commodity id",
        "image": "Picture address"
parametertypeIs it necessaryexplain
idIntyesPicture id
skuintyesSKU item id
imagestryesPicture address

Backend implementation

While saving the picture, we also need to generate a new detail page asynchronously, which is why we need to define asynchronous tasks

[after the back-end personnel modify the picture, the speed of changing the picture on the static page may be slower, so to prevent blocking, asynchronous tasks should be used here]

import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.shortcuts import render

from meiduo_mall.utils.categories import get_categories
from meiduo_mall.utils.breadcrumb import get_breadcrumb
from goods.models import SKU
from celery_tasks.main import app

def get_detail_html(sku_id):

    #  Get current sku object
    sku = SKU.objects.get(id=sku_id)
    # Classified data
    categories = get_categories()

    # Get breadcrumbs navigation
    breadcrumb = get_breadcrumb(sku.category)

    # Get spu
    spu = sku.spu

    # Get specification information: SKU = = > SPU = = > specs
    specs = spu.specs.order_by('id')

    # Query all SKUs, such as all inventory items of Huawei P10
    skus = spu.skus.order_by('id')
    Note: in the tuple of the key, the index of the specification is fixed
    Example data are as follows:
    sku_options = {}
    sku_option = []
    for sku1 in skus:
        infos = sku1.specs.order_by('spec_id')
        option_key = []
        for info in infos:
            # Get the specification information of the current product
            if ==
        sku_options[tuple(option_key)] =

    # Traverse all specifications of the current spu
    specs_list = []
    for index, spec in enumerate(specs):
        option_list = []
        for option in spec.options.all():
            # If the current item is blue or 64, the list is [2,3]
            sku_option_temp = sku_option[:]
            # Replace the element corresponding to the index: the index of the specification is fixed [1,3]
            sku_option_temp[index] =
            # Add SKU for option_ ID attribute, which is used to output links in html
            option.sku_id = sku_options.get(tuple(sku_option_temp), 0)
            # Add option object
        # Add a list of options for the specification object
        spec.option_list = option_list
        # Reconstruct specification data

    context = {
        'sku': sku,
        'categories': categories,
        'breadcrumb': breadcrumb,
        'category_id': sku.category_id,
        'spu': spu,
        'specs': specs_list
    response = render(None, 'detail.html', context)
    file_name = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'static/detail/%d.html' %

    # Write file
    with open(file_name, 'w') as f1:

Code view

Configure the fastdfs file path in settings:

#  Specify the fastdfs file path
FASTDFS_PATH = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'utils/fdfs/client.conf')

from rest_framework.permissions import IsAdminUser
from rest_framework.viewsets import ModelViewSet
from meiduo_admin.serializers.images import ImageSerializer, SKUSerializer
from goods.models import SKUImage, SKU
from meiduo_admin.utils import UserPageNum
from rest_framework.response import Response
from fdfs_client.client import Fdfs_client
from django.conf import settings
from celery_tasks.static_file.tasks import get_detail_html

class ImageView(ModelViewSet):
    # Picture serializer
    serializer_class = ImageSerializer
    # Picture query set
    queryset = SKUImage.objects.all()
    # paging
    pagination_class = UserPageNum

    # permission_classes = [IsAdminUser]

    #  Get sku product information
    def simple(self, request):
        #  Query all sku items
        data = SKU.objects.all()
        #  Serialization operation return
        ser = SKUSerializer(data, many=True)
        return Response(

    # Rewrite the saved business logic of the extension class
    def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        # Create FastDFS connection object
        client = Fdfs_client(settings.FASTDFS_PATH)
        # Get the image file passed by the front end
        data = request.FILES.get('image')
        # Upload pictures to fastDFS
        res = client.upload_by_buffer(
        # Judge whether the upload is successful
        if res['Status'] != 'Upload successed.':
            return Response(status=403)
        # Get the uploaded path
        image_url = res['Remote file_id']
        # Get sku_id
        sku_id ='sku')[0]
        # Save picture
        img = SKUImage.objects.create(sku_id=sku_id, image=image_url)

        # Generate a new detail page
        # Return results
        return Response(
                'sku': sku_id,
                'image': img.image.url  # The complete routing information is returned here
            status=201  # The front end needs to accept 201 status

[the above create method can be encapsulated in the serializer, and the specific operations can be seen in the source code. In fact, after these codes are written in the serializer, these codes can be commented out directly, and these operations have been provided in the parent class method. There is no request attribute in the serializer, which can be replaced by self.context['request ']]

Modified code:

Serializer: [the create code in the view can be commented out]

from rest_framework import serializers
from goods.models import SKUImage
from goods.models import SKU
from rest_framework.response import Response
from fdfs_client.client import Fdfs_client
from django.conf import settings
from celery_tasks.static_file.tasks import get_detail_html

class ImageSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    # Returns the id value of the sku associated with the picture
    sku = serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField(read_only=True)

    class Meta:
        model = SKUImage
        # fields = ('sku', 'image', 'id')
        fields = '__all__'

    def create(self, validated_data):
        #  Create FastDFS connection object
        client = Fdfs_client(settings.FASTDFS_PATH)
        #  Get the image file from the front end
        data = self.context['request'].FILES.get('image')
        # data =
        #  Upload pictures to fastDFS
        res = client.upload_by_buffer(
        #  Judge whether the upload is successful
        if res['Status'] != 'Upload successed.':
            return Response(status=403)
        #  Get the uploaded path
        image_url = res['Remote file_id']
        #  Get sku_id
        sku_id = self.context['request'].data.get('sku')[0]
        #  Save picture
        img = SKUImage.objects.create(sku_id=sku_id, image=image_url)

        # Generate detail page and static page asynchronously

        return img

Note: FDFS client may not be installed directly here. You can use the installation package file prepared in advance, PIP install FDFS client py master zip

For the file upload and installation precautions of FastDFS client, check the blog:

Keywords: Python Django Back-end RESTful

Added by SirChick on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 12:59:45 +0200