How to design a secure external interface, the old programmer summarized these points

Source: Bloggers have previously worked in the collection and payment system of Hengfeng Bank (equivalent to payment interface), including the current OLTP API transaction interface and the external data interface of virtual business. In short, when you have done a lot of projects and written a l ...

Added by Mikester on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 15:14:44 +0200

Build Restful Web Services

1. Understand REST  the full name of REST is Representational State Transfer, which means Representational State Transfer in Chinese. It first appeared in Roy Fielding's doctoral thesis in 2000. Roy fielding is one of the main writers of HTTP specification. It is worth noting that REST does not have a clear standard, but is more like a des ...

Added by PugJr on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 05:25:04 +0200

RESTful allows you to define interfaces gracefully

Source of resources: You can follow the teacher and speak well. Combine this picture to understand RESTful: =====================================================I. RESTful first acquaintance================================================ REST([Resource] Representational State Transfer): state tr ...

Added by dandelo on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 16:47:54 +0200

Unified exception handling, assertion and enumeration combined use cases

In the process of software development, it is inevitable to deal with all kinds of exceptions. For myself, at least more than half of the time is dealing with all kinds of exceptions, so there will be a lot of try {...} in the code catch {...} finally {...} Code blocks not only have a large number of redundant code, but also affect the readabi ...

Added by Ammar on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 00:21:16 +0200

SpingMVC learning - Controller&@RequestMapping&RestFul

SpingMVC learning- Controller The controller implementation mode is interface or annotation, which is generally implemented by annotation. It is responsible for parsing the user's request, transforming it into a model and returning it to the view parser The following four annotations are equivalent @Component component @Service layer @Contr ...

Added by m7_b5 on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 11:57:26 +0200

Introduction and use of axios

brief introduction This paper mainly explains the concept and basic use of axios. axios is currently one of the most popular ajax wrapper libraries for making it easy to send ajax requests. Supported functions: Issue an XMLHttpRequests request from the browser.From node.js makes an http request.Supports the Promise API.Ability to intercept ...

Added by keyboard on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 19:35:40 +0200

Spring cloud - Eureka Registration Center

Eureka principle eureka comes from ancient Greek words, meaning "discovered" eureka is divided into two parts, Server side and Client side Register Service registration The instance that wants to participate in service registration discovery needs to register information with Eureka server first Registration is submitted when th ...

Added by eatfishy on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:32:14 +0200

Web is Easy,Let's try Gin

I quick start Download the package of gin: go get GitHub com/gin-gonic/gin The hello world written by gin is as follows: package main import "" func main() { router := gin.Default() router.GET("/hello", func(context *gin.Context) { // Register a path handler context.Writer.WriteString("Hello!") }) ro ...

Added by bad_gui on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 00:01:26 +0200

Use of restful framework in python django

When Django is used for front-end and back-end separation development, it is usually combined with Django rest framework to create RESTful interface API. For framework introduction and version requirements, please refer to the official address: This article takes creating an API containing name and sex f ...

Added by Abarak on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 15:54:57 +0200

Flask framework - Restful, PostMan tools

1.Restful Restful API is a set of specifications used to communicate between the front end and the background. It can provide web services for all clients through a unified interface, realize the separation of front and back ends, and save development time. The restful API is provided by the background, that is, SERVER, and called by the front ...

Added by claire on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:47:17 +0200