[Spring Cloud Gateway] learning notes

1, Introduction

Zuul 2. In May 2019, Netflix finally opened the zuul 2.0 version that supports asynchronous call mode, which can be said to be called for thousands of times. But Spring Cloud no longer integrates zuul2 X, then it's time to learn about Spring Cloud Gateway

Spring Cloud Gateway is an API gateway built on the spring ecosystem, including Spring 5, Spring Boot2 and Project Reactor. Spring Cloud Gateway aims to provide a simple and effective way to route to APIs and provide them with cross domain concerns, such as security, monitoring / indicators, current limiting, etc. Because Spring 5.0 supports Netty and Http2, while Spring Boot2 0 supports Spring 5.0, so it is natural that Spring Cloud Gateway supports Netty and Http2.

The gateway shall have the following functions:

  • Performance: API, high availability, load balancing, fault tolerance mechanism.
  • Security: authority, identity authentication, desensitization, traffic cleaning, back-end signature (to ensure the trusted call of the whole link), blacklist (restriction of illegal call).
  • Log: once the log record is distributed, full link tracking is essential.
  • Cache: data cache.
  • Monitoring: record request response data, API time-consuming analysis and performance monitoring.
  • Current limiting: flow control, peak staggering flow control, and multiple current limiting rules can be defined.
  • Grayscale: Online grayscale deployment can reduce risk.
  • Routing: dynamic routing rules.

2, Core concept

Route: route is the most basic part of the gateway. The route information consists of ID, target URI, a set of assertions and a set of filters. If the asserted route is true, the requested URI and configuration match.
Predicate: an assertion function in Java 8. The input type of the assertion function in the Spring Cloud Gateway is ServerWebExchange in the Spring 5.0 framework. The assertion function in Spring Cloud Gateway allows developers to define and match any information from Http Request, such as request header and parameters.
Filter: a standard Spring Web Filter. There are two types of filters in Spring Cloud Gateway: Gateway Filter and Global Filter. The filter processes requests and responses.

3, Code case

3.1 pom dependency


3.2 configuration items

  application :
    name: gateway-server
    gateway: #Routing rules
        - id: gateway #Route ID, unique
          uri: lb:CONSUMER #Destination URI, the address of the route to the microservice
          predicates: #Assertion (judgment condition)
            - Path=/consumer/** #4. Change the request of the corresponding URL and append the matching request to the target URI
      defaultZone: http://eureka7002.com:7002/eureka/,http://eureka7003.com:7003/eureka/,http://eureka7001.com:7001/eureka/

3.3 startup items

There is no need to configure other annotations for startup items

4, Routing rules


  application :
    name : gateway-server #apply name
  cloud :
	  gateway : #Routing rules
	    routes :
	      - id : product-service #Route ID, unique
	        uri: http://localhost:7878 / # destination URI, which routes to the address of the microservice
	        predicates: #Assertion (judgment condition)
	          - Path=/product/** #Match the request of the corresponding URL, and append the matched request after the target URI
  • request http://localhost:9999/product/1 Will be routed to http://localhost:7878/product/1


    name : gateway-server #Application name cloud:
  gateway : #Routing rule routes:
    - id : product-service #Route ID, unique
      uri: http://localhost:7078 / # destination URI, the address routed to the microservice
      predicates : #Assertion (judgment condition)
  #-Query=token #Match the request containing token in the request reference
    - Query=token,abc. #The matching request parameter contains token and its parameter value satisfies the regular expression abc Request for
  • Query=token: for example, http://localhost:9000/product/1?token=123
  • Query=token,abc. : For example, http://localhost:9000/product/1?token=abc1


  application :
    name : gateway-server #Application name cloud:
  gateway : #Routing rule routes:
    - id : product-service #Route ID, unique
      uri: http://localhost:7070 / # destination URI, the address of the route to the microservice
      predicates : #Assertion (judgment condition)
        - Method=GET #Match any GET request


  application :
    name : gateway-server #Application name cloud:
  gateway : #Routing rules:
    - id : product-service  #Route ID, unique
    uri: http://localhost:7870 / # destination URI, the address of the route to the microservice
    predicates : #Assertion (judgment condition)
      #Matching requests after 2820-82-0220:20:28 Shanghai time, China
      - After=2828-82-82T28:20:20.888+88:88[ Asia/Shanghai]


  application :
    name : gateway-server #Application name cloud:
  gateway : #Routing rules:
    - id : product-service #Route ID, unique
    uri : http://localhost:7078 / # destination URI, the address of the route to the microservice
    predicates: #Assertion (judgment condition)
      - RemoteAddr= #The matching remote address request is the request of RemoteAddr, and 0 represents the subnet mask


  application :
    name : gateway-server #Application name cloud:
  gateway : #Routing rules:
    - id : product-service #Route ID, unique
    uri : http://localhost:7078 / # destination URI, the address of the route to the microservice
    predicates: #Assertion (judgment condition)
     #A request whose matching request header contains X-Request-Id and whose value matches the regular expression \ d +
     - Header=X-Request-Id, \d+

5, Dynamic routing

5.1. Add dependency


5.2 configuration items

Add eureka configuration item

      defaultZone: http://eureka7001.com:7001/eureka/

5.3. Get routes through the registry

Change uri to uri: lb://CONSUMER/ # lb: / / service name

5.4 forwarding by service name

cloud :
	gateway :
		discovery :
			locator :
				#Whether it is combined with the service discovery component and forwarded to the specific service instance through serviceId.
				enabled: true	#Enable routing rules based on service discovery
				lower-case-service-id: true #Convert service name to lowercase

6, Filter

Spring Cloud Gateway is divided into GatewayFilter and GlobalFilter according to the scope of action. The differences between the two are as follows:

GatewayFilter: gateway filter, which needs to pass spring cloud. routes. Filters are configured under specific routes and only work on the current route or through spring cloud . Default filters are configured globally and act on all routes.
GlobalFilter: Global filter, which does not need to be configured in the configuration file, acts on all routes. Finally, it is packaged into a filter recognizable by GatewayFilterChain through the GatewayFilterAdapter. It is the core filter that converts the URI of the request service and route into the request address of the real service. It does not need to be loaded during system initialization and acts on each route.


6.1.1 path filter Rewritepathgatewayfilterfactory (rewrite request path)

The RewritePath gateway filter factory uses path regular expression parameters and replacement parameters, and uses Java regular expressions to rewrite flexibly.

filters:	#Gateway filter
	#Rewrite / API gateway / product/1 to / product/1
	- RewritePath=/api-gateway(?<segment>/?.*),$\{segment} Prefixpathgatewayfilterfactory (add the specified prefix to the request path)

The PrefixPath gateway filter factory is a matching URI.

filters:	#Gateway filter
	#Rewrite / 1 to / product/1
	- PrefixPath=/product stripprefixgatewayfilterfactory (number of stripping paths)

The StripPrefix gateway filter factory adopts a parameter StripPrefix, which indicates the number of paths stripped from the request before sending the request to the downstream.

filters:	#Gateway filter
	#Rewrite / api/123/product/1 to / product/1
	- StripPrefix=2 SetPathGatewayFilterFactory (templated path segment)

The SetPath gateway filter factory takes path template parameters. It provides a simple method to manipulate the request path by allowing templated path segments. It uses the uri template in the spring framework and allows multiple matching segments.

predicates:	#Assertion (judgment condition)
	#The request matching the corresponding URI is appended after the target URI
	- Path=/api/product/{sagment}
filters:	#Gateway filter
	#Rewrite / api/product/1 to / product/1
	- SetPath=/product/{segment}

6.1.2 Parameter filter

AddRequestParameter the gateway filter factory adds the specified parameter to the matching downstream request.

predicates:	#Assertion (judgment condition)
	#Match the request of the corresponding UR worker, and append the matched request after the target URI
	- Path=/api-gateway/**
filters:	#Gateway filter
	#Rewrite / API gateway / production / 1 to / product/1
	- RewritePath=/api-gateway(?<segment>/?.*),$\{segment}
	#Add flag=1 in downstream request
	- AddRequestParameter=flag,1

6.1.3 Status filter

The Setstatus gateway filter factory takes a single status parameter, which must be a valid Spring HttpStatus. It can be an integer 404 or an enumeration not_ String representation of found.

filters :	#Gateway filter
	#In any case, the HTTP status of the response will be set to 404
	- SetStatus=404
	#404 or corresponding calibration NOT_FOUND


The global filter does not need to be configured in the configuration file and acts on all routes. Finally, it is packaged into a filter recognizable by the GatewayFilterChain through the GatewayFilterAdapter. It is the core filter that converts the URI of the requested service and route into the request address of the real service. It does not need to be loaded during system initialization and acts on each route.

6.3. Custom filter

Even though Spring Cloud Gateway comes with many practical GatewayFilter Factory, Gateway Filter and Global Filter, we still hope to customize our own filters and implement some operations in many scenarios.

6.3.1 gateway filter

Custom gateway filters need to implement the following two interfaces: gatewayfilter and ordered Define gateway filter


public class CustomGatewayFilter implements GatewayFilter,Ordered {
	*Filter business logic
	* param exchange
	* param chain
	* @return
	public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange,GatewayFilterChain chain) {
		System.out.println("Custom gateway filter executed");
		return chain.filter (exchange); //Continue down
	*Filter execution order: the smaller the value, the higher the priority*
	* @return
	public int getOrder(){
		return 0;
} registration filter

public class GatewayRoutesConfiguration{
	public RouteLocator routeLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder builder) {
		return builder.routes().route(r -> r
			//Assertion (judgment condition)
			//Destination URI, the address of the route to the microservice
			.uri("lb://product-service" ) 
			//Register custom gateway filters
			.filters(new CustomGatewayFilter()) 
			//Route ID, unique

6.3.2 global filter

To customize a global filter, you need to implement the following two interfaces: globalfilter and ordered. Through the global filter, the functions of permission verification and security verification can be realized. define filter

Implement the specified interface and add @ component annotation.
Global filters do not need to be registered


public class CustomGlobalFilter implements GlobalFilter,Ordered {
	*Filter business logic
	* param exchange
	* param chain
	* @return
	public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange,GatewayFilterChain chain) {
		System.out.println("The custom global filter is executed");
		return chain.filter (exchange) ; //Continue down
	*Filter execution order: the smaller the teaching value, the higher the priority
	* return
	public int getordef(){
		return 0 ;

7, Current limiting

Spring Cloud Gateway officially provides a RequestRateLimiterGatewayFilterFactory filter factory, which uses Redis and Lua scripts to implement the token bucket.

7.1 configuration

rely on
The new version of redis uses pool2 connection pool


Configuration item

	- StripPrefix=1
	- name: RequestRateLimiter
	    redis-rate-limiter.replenishRate: 1 #Token bucket fill rate per second
	    redis-rate-limiter.burstcapacity: 2 #Total token bucket capacity
	    key-resolver: "#{@pathKeyResolver}" #Use a SpEL expression to reference bean s by name

	timeout: 10000			#Connection timeout
	host:	#Redis server address
	port: 6379				#Redis server port
	password: root			#Redis server password
	database: 0				#Select which library, default 0 Library
			max-active: 1024	#Maximum connections, 8 by default
			max-wait: 10000		#Maximum connection blocking waiting time, in milliseconds, default - 1
			max-idle: 200		#Maximum idle connection, default 8
			min-idle: 5			#Minimum idle connection, default 4

You also need a bean:pathKeyResolver, which is written differently according to different current limiting methods

7.2 current limiting mode

7.2.1 URL current limit


public class KeyResolverConfiguration {
    public KeyResolver pathKeyResolver(){
        return exchange -> Mono.just(exchange.getRequest().getURI( ).getPath());

7.2.2 parameter current limiting


public KeyResolver parameterKeyResolver(){
return exchange -> Mono.just(exchange.getRequest().getQueryParams().getFirst( k: "userId"));

7.2.3 IP current limiting


public KeyResolver ipKeyResolver() {
	return exchange -> Mono.just(exchange.getRequest().getRemoteAddress().getHostName());

Keywords: Java Spring Boot Spring Cloud gateway

Added by Heavy on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 10:44:04 +0200