Apache APIs IX integrates with Consul KV, and the service discovery capability is upgraded again

background information Consul is a service grid solution. Consul KV, one of its cores, is a distributed key value database, which is mainly used to store configuration parameters and metadata, and also allows users to store index objects.In the microservice architecture mode, when the upstream service changes due to capacity expansion and hardw ...

Added by yusiyuseff on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 06:20:13 +0200

GraphQL collides with Apache APIs IX to improve the security and performance in the API field

This paper introduces the characteristics of Apache apisid and GraphQL, and how to use Apache apisid, an API gateway, to proxy GraphQL requests, and puts forward a solution to the pain points of the actual scene.background information GraphQL is an open source, API oriented data query operation language and corresponding running environment. Or ...

Added by Fed51 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 05:10:14 +0200

Sentinel sentinel integrates Gateway to realize Gateway flow control console and rule configuration

1. Introduction The gateway is the common entrance for all requests, so the current can be limited in the gateway, and there are many ways to limit the current. The current limit of the gateway is realized through sentinel component. Sentinel supports current limiting for spring cloud gateway, Zuul and other mainstream gateways. The curre ...

Added by sargenle on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 08:51:47 +0200

Design of Java motan gateway

@TOC Insert code slice here Recently joined a company that built it from scratch. The rpc framework is motan. The reason why motan is used is mainly because the company is divided into two teams: java and php. motan can realize cross language call and is relatively lightweight, so motan is selected. Since rpc is used for communication between ...

Added by Xajel on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 17:12:54 +0200

Spring Cloud Gateway has built-in instructions for the use of various types of predicate (assertion)

SpringCloudAlibaba+Nacos integration Gateway Spring cloud gateway combined with Sentienl to implement gateway current limiting mechanism Spring Cloud Gateway filter factory Spring Cloud Gateway contains many built-in routing assertion factories. All of these assertions match different attributes of the HTTP request. You can combine multipl ...

Added by BenS on Mon, 28 Feb 2022 04:06:19 +0200

SpringCloudAlibaba+Nacos integrates the Gateway gateway to realize the use of Http timeout, cross domain, metadata and global exception configuration

1. Gateway overview The so-called API gateway refers to the unified entrance of the system. It encapsulates the internal structure of the application and provides unified services for the client. Some public logic independent of the function of the business itself can be realized here, such as authentication, authentication, monitoring, ro ...

Added by worldofcarp on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 04:07:05 +0200

Apache apisik integrates Kafka to realize efficient real-time log monitoring

Apache Kafka is an open source stream processing platform managed by Apache and written by Scala and Java. It provides unified, high throughput and low latency features for processing real-time data.Its persistence layer is essentially a "large-scale publish / subscribe message queue according to the distributed transaction log architectur ...

Added by ScottCFR on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 14:51:49 +0200

Apache APIs IX integrates with HashiCorp Vault, adding another member to the ecosystem

With the rise of micro service architecture, maintaining service security has become more challenging than before. Multiple back-end server instances using a single static key to access the database server will bring huge risks. If the key certificate is leaked, the whole system will be affected. In order to solve the impact of key certificate ...

Added by Ron Woolley on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 12:29:30 +0200

How to use Apache APIs IX CSRF security plug-in to intercept cross site forgery attacks

CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery), that is, cross site request forgery. The key point of launching cross site request forgery attack is to make the target server unable to distinguish whether the source of many requests is a real user or an attacker. The general process of attack is as follows: first, the attacker will induce the user to naviga ...

Added by coollog on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 12:02:46 +0200

Apache APIs IX integrates Open Policy Agent

Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open source lightweight general policy engine, which can replace the built-in policy function module in the software to help users realize the decoupling of service and policy engine. Benefit from OPA Perfect ecosystem , users can easily integrate OPA and other services, such as program library, HTTP API, etc. As ...

Added by itandme on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:56:10 +0200