How to use WillPopScope in Flutter

Guide reading for Lao Meng: how to click the Back button twice to exit the App, how to realize multiple routes in the App, and how to realize the Back button only to exit the specified page will be shown in this article. WillPopScope WillPopScope is used to process whether to leave the current page or not. There are many ways to leave the cu ...

Added by Tranquilraven on Wed, 13 May 2020 03:49:00 +0300

The mobile terminal detects that the wechat browser returns, closes and enters the background operation

Background: for a recent countdown learning time recording project, you need to record the progress of the current page when the user clicks the back button of the browser or directly closes the browser, or directly exits wechat or enters the background. The next time you go in, you need to start the countdown from the last place you left. At f ...

Added by edgev on Fri, 08 May 2020 13:39:14 +0300

Ctssecuritytestcases - listeningportstest locates tcp port and pid

Ctssecuritytestcases - listeningportstest locates tcp port and pid [problem description] cts failures armeabi-v7a CtsSecurityTestCases Tool: 9.0 μ R11 05-06 17:11:28.649 17375 17391 E TestRunner:$ListeningPortsAssertionError: 05-0 ...

Added by tibiz on Thu, 07 May 2020 19:59:45 +0300

Python and Nose realize automatic test of mobile application

Today I'm talking with you about Python and Nose's automatic testing of mobile applications. I hope it can help you. There's something bad to say. Please give me more advice! The coolest thing about automated functional testing with Appium is that you can write your test code in any language that has the best testing tools for you. Python is t ...

Added by sottwell on Wed, 06 May 2020 15:13:20 +0300

Android Project Actual Series - based on Bosch Valley profile

Please be patient to read this module because of its large content and length. The profile module is divided into two parts [x] personal data [x] Data Modification 1. Personal Data 1. Profile interface (1) Create a profile interface Create a java class named UserInfoActivity in the com.buxuegu.activity package.Create a layout file name ...

Added by riddhi on Mon, 04 May 2020 23:33:23 +0300

The simple use of jiecao video player

The player itself has the function of automatically memorizing the playing progress. In the full screen state, it has the function of gesture fast forward and fast backward, as well as the control of brightness on the left and volume on the right After clicking the full screen, the video is still in the vertical screen ...

Added by virgil on Mon, 04 May 2020 20:57:07 +0300

Ctsverifier Bluetooth Le secure clientserver test test pass but PassButton cannot be selected

[problem description] Ctsverifier Bluetooth Le secure clientserver test test pass but pass button cannot be selected Tool version: 9.0-r11 Other information: The previous version is normal, and the verifier version is the same During the analysis, the code consultation and test prove that only the Client cannot be selected and the Server is nor ...

Added by dumbass on Mon, 04 May 2020 12:02:09 +0300

Android advanced way: setting and monitoring in the lower right corner of the soft keyboard

In the project, you may encounter the need to modify the button at the bottom right corner of the soft keyboard. Although you have written it several times, you still feel relieved to concentrate on taking notes here. Effect : Note (key points): Xml medium 1. Confirm the function display keyboard in the lower rig ...

Added by texmansru47 on Sun, 03 May 2020 13:58:44 +0300

Glide4. + pit to load rounded image

1. When using glide to load a rounded image, you can write as follows after version 4.0: Glide.with(this) .setDefaultRequestOptions(new RequestOptions().optionalTransform(new RoundedCorners(ScreenUtils.dip2px(this, 20)))) .load(avatarUrl).into(ivAvatar4); The rounded corner of this picture is realize ...

Added by [ArcanE] on Sun, 03 May 2020 10:55:50 +0300

How to use Lifecycle components

2017/5/18 Google IO Android Architecture Components: a new collection of libraries that can easily manage the UI component life cycle and handle data persistence. Help you design robust, testable, and maintainable applications. In the following, the life cycle of components such as Fragment and Activity directly uses ...

Added by nodi on Sun, 03 May 2020 09:45:43 +0300